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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 16th, 2024

  • I’d been meaning to try out atomic distros. I’m not an expert on Linux by any means but I’ve been using it on-and-off for about 25 years, and exclusively (at home, at least) for about 7. So I’m a bit more than a noob.

    I do worry if I’d feel restricted inside of an atomic distro. Might throw kininite on a laptop I’ve been meaning to give to my kid, tho.

  • Yeah I’d check for fragmentation, particularly coming from whatever was on the opposite end of this tunnel. This looks like librespeed (which is super simple to run in a container, ‘adolfintel/speedtest‘, if interested…I run some at work and it’s very useful) so I’m assuming it was running on the server at the other end of the wireguard tunnel?

    That latency and jitter are also absurd tho. Op should run a bufferbloat test on both sides. Though I don’t always trust those results from librespeed.

  • This is bad practice.

    More accurately it should look something like this:

    # Load sys library for exiting with status code
    import sys
    def sayHelloWorld(outPhrase: str="Hello World"):
        # Main function, print a phrase and return NoneType
        return None
    if __name__=="__main__":
        # Provide output and exit cleanly when run from shell
        # Exit with rc!=0 when not run from shell

  • I remember getting sent to the principals office for “hacking” (pinging the computer in the next room) in like 8th grade.

    Back in 4th/5th I actually was hacking, modifying our user menu to add Windows 3.1 and a password (copying config from a teacher’s profile). Also brute-forced at least two teachers passwords.

    I’m a network architect now, so there’s that.

  • As a network guy…open up your favorite web-managed application and open the developer console. Inspect the transactions you see and compare it to the applications REST API reference, and you’ll likely find a lot of commonality (and maybe some undocumented endpoints!).

    Backend made the API and everything that is performed by it. Front end is doing the GUI based off the response and promoting for input.