My phone and computer can both play the files fine, but using the official apps or webclient gives me an error. I’m assuming it’s a transcoding error, but there shouldn’t be one. The files (left untreated) work and even if they were transcoded, it should be fine. What am I missing here?

On a side note, how do I make files load 100% of the time?

Edit: I feel stupid, but I solved this. It turned out to be two separate issues. The unreliability was due to conflict in my Tailscale setup. Next, I reread the transcoding guide, and realized that I misread the HWA encoding and decoding charts when I was setting up my server; this was also a simple fix, just unchecking a single box.

  • Skull
    1 year ago

    Probably a transcoding issue. Browser codec support varies wildly, especially when things like HDR come into play.

    If you get this error, check the logs. I found out that my hardware didn’t support as many codecs as I thought it did and needed to turn a few codecs off. Software transcoding works for practically every file format, hardware transcoding requires selecting only the codecs your hardware supports.

    You can find out what codecs are supported by your hardware in tables like these: Intel Nvidia AMD