“Put to silence”, “exposed and struck down”. In other words, doxxed and murdered. Just par for the course with the Christianity that I know and loathe.

“Christo-Trumpism” … that’s a new term to me, gonna have to remember it - it’s accurate and descriptive.

At today’s Trump rally in Waterloo, Iowa, Pastor Joshua Graber from the Cornerstone Baptist Church in Vinton, IA, came out with his prayer which largely involved asking God to intervene to help Donald Trump defeat his enemies. Not something I have been able to find in my Bible, but this is christo-Trumpism.

“We pray that you will impart wisdom to our president as he goes forth to stand in our place. We ask that those who stand against him be put to silence. That those horrendous actions against him and his family be exposed and struck down…”

  • fubo@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Read the goddamn Book of Revelation, you fake fucking Christians.

    You’re not the remnant; you’re the shit end of the church, seduced by the Antichrist and the Whore of Babylon. You sold out to the golden idol whose foul mouth boasts of greatness, and who is drunk on the blood of the saints.

    The Bible that your idol waves while blaspheming, tells you that you’re headed for the lake of fire and the outer darkness, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand! Repent, you motherfuckers!

    If Jesus came back, you’d call him a communist for ministering to the poor.

    Hell, if Jesus came back, you’d banish him for having a Mexican name.

    You choose not to be part of the body of Christ. You don’t practice the corporal works of mercy upon your neighbor: You don’t feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, visit the sick, ransom the imprisoned. Instead of committing your wealth to help the poor, as Christ carefully instructed you to do, you commit your wealth to driving the poor from your cities.

    You choose to place yourself outside Christ’s love, because Christ’s love is extended to the poor, and ewww, the poor are icky. And so you know only the Devil’s punishment; and you lash it around yourself like a scourge at your imagined foes, scarring only yourself.

    You have been taught what is good; and you willingly choose evil. You sign up for evil, placing your name on the rolls of those in servitude to the damned. You like and subscribe to the Antichrist. You willingly receive the mark of the Beast, upon your hand and your head; you upvote, retweet, and forward that damnation to one another. You wave it like a flag; you scar your own nation’s flag with lies and hatred.

    You dishonor your ancestors, who fought Nazis, slavers, pirates, and robber barons. You admire what is despicable, and you despise what is admirable. You sell your daughters to be paraded for the Beast’s delectation, and your sons to “lift the luggage” of his lackeys. There is nothing holy in your temples. There is only your fake god’s foul jizz, stinking of hamberders. You reject love and embrace rapists.

    Repent, you motherfuckers.

    I went to the rock to hide my face / But the rock cried out, no hiding place.

  • FirstCircle@lemmy.mlOP
    1 year ago

    For anyone interested in the shared blood-lust of political regimes and Christianity, this is a good read.

    I have little doubt that modern American Xians of the MAGA variety (i.e. most of them) would relish the chance of imposing their will on fellow citizens by similar (and probably more awful) means.

  • MedicPigBabySaver@voxpop.social
    1 year ago

    Fuck religion & churches.

    Lock this POS behind bars!

    Dissolve religion. Take their property. Treat them as cults and tax them as any business.