Yeah, I understand that everything can’t be loaded at the sam time, but this is not the solution. The reason to browse by chronological order, from oldest to newest, is so that I don’t miss posts. But on everey single microblogging app, decentralized or ran by a lunatic wit too much money, there is the barrier between the last few new posts, and where you last left reading.

The eorst part: this loads the newest first, and prefers to push you to the top, requiring you to search where you actually left off.

How about we just have a button to “go to the newest” that throws you to whatever has been published within the 5 minutes, and assume if you’re browsing from bottom to top, you want more to be shown, but properly chronologically.

  • Skull
    1 year ago

    Fedilab has two buttons in the “load more” thingy. One to load the contents above the fold (so you an keep scrolling up) and one to load the buttons below, so you can keep scrolling down. It works remarkably well.

    I’m pretty sure this is hell to program, as most prebuilt list views will use a Y position measured from the top of content. This makes it hard to insert content in the center if you’re trying to scroll up, as you may not know the exact height of the content you’re loading to compensate for the change in position.

    However, Fedilab solved it, so other applications can solve it too!