Star Wars: A New Beginning is the official sequel to the Skywalker saga. The plot is expected to be about Rey rebuilding the Jedi Order after the events of The Rise of Skywalker. The film will be directed by Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, who also directed episodes 4 and 5 of ‘Ms. Marvel’. Daisy Ridley is set …
Call me a heretic, but I think last Jedi was the best of the 3 if you separate it from the star wars universe. TFA was just a meh rehash of the original, and ROS was a dumpster fire.
Call me a heretic, but I think last Jedi was the best of the 3 if you separate it from the star wars universe. TFA was just a meh rehash of the original, and ROS was a dumpster fire.