Since got a bit of traction yesterday, this is WhatsApp straight from Meta running on Linux desktop using android-translation-layer.
android-translation-layer (ATL) is a Wine-like approach to run Android applications on Linux. Rather than running an Android container like for example Waydroid does this instead implements the Android API. Note that right now it’s very much work in progress and almost no app will work yet, but the fact that they have apps like Newpipe and WhatsApp running already is very promising!
Join the Matrix chat at and follow along!
Very cool. I’ll stick with a WhatsApp Matrix bridge so I don’t have to install a Meta app, though.
You still have to install WhatsApp though, since it requires activity on your account (on the app) every 14 days.
Wao, I was not aware of that new enshitification clause. I’ve been off of anything related to Meta for over 8 years. The more I hear about what these ech giants keep pushing, the happier I am that I got out so long ago
It’s been like this for many years, possibly since Facebook (as it was called back then) bought it.
slidge-whatsapp gateway for XMPP
Do I need to run my own instance for this, or is it possible to do this without control over my instance?
I think you need to run the service yourself