There’s a certain “people’s republic” where they introduced a new government signature on all android apps. For “safety”, as they “check” the apps for you 😉
For now it can be bypassed after three pages of scary warnings but in the future?
Maybe it could be a big reason of why they’re liking harmony os that much, you don’t need to manually approve android apps if android apps are completely unsupported
So, have you bitched at your state rep about it yet?
Oh you though state bitch works for you? You got it backwards.
State Rep is corpo bitch. Better take the complain to porn hub, they would then order state bitch to fix it.
You just gotta send an email with videos and pictures of you having a wank that only say “This won’t stop until I can watch porn freely again” .
Why, this idea could never backfire
Plot twist: now I’m a porn hub contributor
Plot twist twist: I get famous even if for the wrong reasons ( I’m not sure what the right reason would be anymore, but I’m not judging)
Plot twist twist twist: I get a lawyer to licence my content and now I’m an artist, living from royalties and tv show appearances.