Example, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith
I hate this for the obvious reasons but it’s especially annoying to me because my wife didn’t take my surname!
They do that so that legally your wife can open the advertisement. They don’t and you wanted to be a loser, you could report her for tampering with your mail. I’m not sure what the postal investigator would do. “Knock it off and call a divorce lawyer” might feature somewhere in the possibilities.
In any case they’re just pulling names off a list some where. They assume you’re married and in a typical cis relationship.
Same reason they add “or current residents” as well.
They want it read, they don’t care if it’s you or your wife or the luchador that’s randomly moved in with you.
or the luchador that’s randomly moved in with you
I knew something was different!
Those luchadors are a crafty bunch
They’re fun at parties, too. Both kids parties and adult parties.
It’s especially irritating when it’s something like a wedding invitation, they should know you well enough to get it right! Often that comes down to some old fuddy-duddy’s misogyny.
Even if she had taken your surname, she still has her own first name, not John!
Yeah…. I didn’t know my friend had a different last name. I thought she put something obscure as her last name so she wouldn’t be tracked