Damn, it’s like they don’t want you to get at the raisins. There must be a better way… You either mutilate the bag and your fingers, or cut it with scissors (or a knife - not recommended lol) , either way can’t be resealed without additional apparatus
You posting a picture of scissors has mildly infuriated me even more lol
I love knives so not infuriated by that lol
What are scissors if not two knives bolted together?
Never bring scissors to a knife fight
I think the implication here is to take the knife and stab the scissors person.
I approve then
The whole idea behind these bags is that you rip them from the top to one side leaving a big enough opening that you can easily close with a clothes peg, the top of the bag even has indentations to make it easy to open
Wait a clothes peg?? That sounds so funny, sorry lol
That was the only translation I could find for “pinza de la ropa” from Spanish to English, IDK if there’s a better translation, but looks right to me 🤣🤣🤣🤣
It’s right, it’s just that I haven’t seen one of those in like 30 years 😂, eso ya no se usa casi
“clothes pin” is how we’d say it, but you got the point across.
Its peg where I live 🤷
It’s not easy lol, I eat raisins daily and have tried different boxes from different brand names and they all are the same to me, infuriating, ripping it on the side as you say will cause a vertical tear that keeps creeping down the side of the bag making it unsealable 😅
Raisins are just the inferior version of wine.
I ferment my raisins, the buzz is amazing and no-one at work realizes I’m “drinking”, whereas a glass of wine would be a dead giveaway ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Fun fact - the French word for grape…is raisin
Other fun fact - the French word for plum…is prune
Make of that what you will twiddles moustache
It’s gems like this that make it all worthwhile
Big brian move
You should check out the stop drinking community.
I do stop drinking, every day before I go to sleep 😋
If that works for you that’s great.
Just know that if the party is over there’s no shame in asking for help.
The trick is to control the angle at which the tear meets the side of the bag. With a large enough angle, it won’t easily rip down the side of the bag unless you force your hand into the hole or something.
It ain’t a easy as you making it sound lol, it’s much easier to accidentally tear down the side… You working for Dole or somebody? Lol
I eat raisins daily
You mean like voluntarily?
Yesiree Bob
They know you’re eating raisins, so they probably just assume that you’re a masochist.
Raisin companies…WHY?
This would suffice. Why change the most delicious fruit into something ugh…?
It’s to keep them from drying out.
Raisins are also sold in other types of packing without that bag and don’t dry out… Like the cardboard cylinder shape canister things
Dehydrated grapes drying out is a concern?
There’s a range of ideal moisture content. Same with weed.
The humidity level (ideally relative humidity of 50%) is important and the raisins should be sealed well between uses. If the humidity increases too much, raisins will start to “sugar”; that is, sugar crystals will develop on the exterior surface (similar to the sugar bloom on chocolate candies). This does not mean that the fruit is unusable.
There you go, “sealed well between uses” lol, those dumb bags are not conducive to proper resealing at all
Now let’s talk about stickers on produce that leave adhesive behind. Yet another user experience principle thrown to the wayside by middle management who don’t understand the problem the old stickers solved.
People are asshats. That’s why
It’s all about cost reduction and fraud prevention. Those cheap stickers are simply tamper-proof, getting easily destroyed upon removal. Prevents being resticked onto other items. A simple example would be thiefes who remove discount labels or price tags from cheap items and put those onto expensive items, ready to argue that the item must’ve been mislabled by the store and then insist on the low price. Doesn’t work with a tampered sticker.
Also, there actually are easy-to-remove labels being used - just not for pricing out stuff.
Well also if something is supposed to be tamper evident they have a (usually legal) incentive to make sure it stays on a all times. They don’t do the testing to find the best sticker adhesive or what is easiest for the consumer because at the end of the day they need it to do one job. You could easily find the best adhesive for the material you are using that stays on very well and can be removed without leaving residue or damage behind. You may have to pay 2 times as much for a better sticker anyway. Not worth the time
Good point also
You ain’t got scissors or a knife? Or some tape or a twisty thing left over from a bag of bread?
And the knife technique is iffy too cause this thick wax type plastic also rips in the opposite direction you want really easily, like down the bag instead of across… Also my 79 yr old mom has trouble using force with a knife on that shit… And the bag is like waxy, tape don’t stick to it hardly at all
You need to use a sharp knife, not a butterknife.
Spoken by someone who has never tried it
Okay, Columbo, you got me. I never use a knife on raisin bags; I prefer to rip 'em open with my bear arms.
Oh shit, That’s not the point bro, I am mildly fucking infuriated by this design so I posted okay? the twisty things won’t work on this wide bag until the raisins are way down since you mentioned them, and who saves them anyway? 😂
Listen this is the place where people offer you shockingly obvious solutions. You’re acting like you’re supposed to come here with things that are mildly infuriating and, for the life of me, I can’t figure out what gave you that impression \s
I feel you. These types of bags either don’t tear at all or they rip violently and unexpectedly down instead of across, so while it did, technically, open, it’s now somehow even more useless than it was before.
Exactly, You get it
I can say the same thing about Nabisco products. Wheat Thins, Ritz, etc… They also use these impossible to open by hand bullshit bags. They just friggin stretch and never tear! I just want my cheese crispers 😭
Exactly lol
More appropriate than c/shitposting thx haha
Well actually it’s a vent and venting is mentioned as part of shit posting in the info sidebar, but I changed anyway, sidebar says venting, banter, anything goes… So I think it applied… Unless you applying some other rule from some other source
You could make an argument its fine in shitposting but, it clearly makes more sense here
Having fun either way, all good
So I mostly did it to make you happy my brother haha
Idk I do not trust any nowadays, bugs can get inside even the thick ones by making holes, like the pantry moths and start infesting…
Everything goes to thick solid plastic or glass containers as long as I have available. An infestation it still possible but much more difficult plus they get stuck on the recipient they infested and not infesting everything by the time you notice.
Stab into center then cut out along direction of blade it’s not too tricky once you’ve got the hang of it, just use a sharp knife. The sharper the less likely you are to cut yourself. Which reminds me I’m due for my quarterly visit to my friendly local blacksmith for a sharpening (dude teaches at one of the local schools and does knives as a hobby and to make extra money)
No matter how many “solutions” I am offered I am still mildly infuriated by the bags.😅… I just cut them open with scissors, part of my irritation is the need for extra apparatus, whether to open or to reseal .
Set fire to bag, eat smoldering remains of grape, find better supplier. The wax will help it start during rainy weather!
Go camping use it as tinder for campfire
We still talking bout the bag?
Yeah I rolled with your idea