Yeah that tracks, do Google next haha
Yeah that tracks, do Google next haha
If I’m making a mistake, I don’t think that would be it. I’ve been observing Bitcoin and its community since 2011.
Right, many Europeans have basic consumer protections lol
Key difference is that Bitcoin people want/need their numbers to go up,up,up as a measure of success.
Here, we are hoping to cultivate a healthy community (at either/both the instance and fediverse level). From my experience on various subreddits, focusing on growth is not a good way to do this.
Communities are defined more by who is not allowed in than by who is in the community. Lemmy phase 2 kicked off back in June, and it still needs some time to find its footing at a sustainable rate of growth.
Be careful about “unsubscribing” to various services.
They will unsubscribe you, but then they also have all of your information (name, address, anything else) on record and confirmed. They can profit when the sell that data to another mailer “service”. It’s like a Hydra.
The thing is that on leftist forums, the stakes for a veganism debate are pretty high cause it easily causes a 50-50ish flameout.
Mods would appreciate if people like OP didn’t intentionally troll to stir that sort of thing up (if the discussion takes place organically and respectfully, then whatever).
Mods would also appreciate if people didn’t feed obvious trolls who are just starting things up, like you pointed out, there are specific places to post about that sort of topic.
Please don’t feed obvious trolls
Leave the personal attack off in the future please
Don’t do whatever this is.
Can you provide a source for this? Makes it easier to moderate if you can back up what you’re saying.
Right, you can assume that people around here aren’t racist/homophobic/transphobic etc… Cause even if they are, they’re gonna catch a ban as soon as they expose themselves. They generally don’t deserve your full wrath if we’re fundamentally “on the same side” just cause they are kinda naive and not big fat theory nerds like some people around here.
In the future you can go against the position, but you repeatedly used “you” in this post making it personal and right up against our civility guidelines.
It seems like you had a point to contribute somewhere in there, but maybe try and communicate it in a way that isn’t so pointed at the other user. We’d like to discourage that sort of toxicity here. Maybe if they were being a total shithead or reactionary, feel free to go off, but it seems unwarranted.
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c/asklemmy is not for support. Please use !lemmy_support@lemmy.ml for support requests and feedback.
c/asklemmy is not for support. Please use !lemmy_support@lemmy.ml for support requests and feedback.
c/asklemmy is not for support. Please use !lemmy_support@lemmy.ml for support requests and feedback.
c/asklemmy is not for support. Please use !lemmy_support@lemmy.ml for support requests and feedback.
c/asklemmy is not for support. Please use !lemmy_support@lemmy.ml for support requests and feedback.
It’s not that you’re an idiot, but it’s wise to avoid using a chromium/blink based browser since they are building a dangerous monopoly. Firefox is the best known alternative, but there are a couple other options.