whats the difference between a slave and you?
whats the difference between a slave and you?
ok doomer
So would it be fair to say if someone was a higher status than you, there should be no ill will against them? only the select few who exploit those below them?
so if your born in a rich family. is that in your control?
That makes no sense. if its wrong to be racist then its wrong to be classist.
who is exploiting you day to day?
i dont get high anymore.
who are you committing war on?
well at least there’s one sane person on this website.
That we would live in peace
then i would leave. Im trying to run away from the shit wave.
id like to know the genetic trait that causes some boobs to be big and some to be small…if it was for aesthetics why wouldn’t they all be one uniform size or very close?
thats sick
and it’s actually more affordable to get a larger co2 tank.
Yeah, that’s what i was thinking actually.
iv’e seen some of his pretty shitty old posts on reddit but im not suprised.
Yeah most of the news on the conflict is very one sided, and if anyone mentions anything about palastine, its downvoted to hell or removed.
so people who are a class higher than you exploit you? is that how the system works?