wiki-user: 6daemonbag

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • Having grown up where David Duke also lives, ambiguously failing the paper bag test, and coming of age during 9/11, I encountered a wide variety of racial insults. Many of them involved the n-word.

    The most memorable one for me happened after the orator learned that I was neither black, Arabic, Hispanic, Italian, nor Asian.

    “Oh you’re Hawaiian? I heard you Island N-words don’t even sing the National Anthem.”

    The other aggressors as well as my friends burst into laughter at how ridiculously stupid his statement sounded. Even his buddy was like, “Hawaii is a state you fucking idiot.”

    The encounter ended and we all moved on but I still laugh when it pops into my head

  • I was present for a SKD moment. It was at a dinner table with some friends and a lot of new aquaintances. One of these new people was very obviously a shithead. No one liked this loud-mouthed guy, except he was a “brother” or whatever college Greeks call them.

    This other girl was reading the half-blood prince- it had just came out the week before. She brought it to the table for some reason. Probably couldn’t wait to continue right after dinner. He sees it, gives a knowing look around the table. I looked right at him and said. “Don’t you fucking dare. Ben, stop your asshole friend from ruining toni-”


    She was talking to someone and didn’t quite hear him. But she could see the rest of us looking down at our hands what he shouted slowly dawned her and she fucking yelled so loud, left the restaurant and cried outside until we came out. She couldn’t leave entirely because we were on a road trip. I felt so horribly for her. When the trip ended I never saw her again.