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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Cause companies like twitter, facebook, and reddit love right wing extremists.

    They post a lot, click lots of ads, and are heavily engaged. Far more than any left winger.

    They are the honey pot from which the money flows. So they get the special treatment and protection.

    Which is why its so funny when they cry about persecution and victimhood. Cause anyone else doing what they do online would have not only been banned years ago, they’d probably get regular visits from police and possibly even arrested for things like “Terroristic threats”

    The only time they face any punishment whatsoever is when they go ridiculously overboard, like actively planning an attack on the fucking capitol building and the attempted assassination of political leaders they disagree with… and even then, its a slap on the wrist compared to what any other group of people who tried to do the same would face

  • A_Random_Idiot@lemmy.worldtoReddit@lemmy.worldWhen did reddit turn Facist?
    5 months ago

    it was a test run that was more successful than the puppet masters ever anticipated, Which is why the only real coherent message out of it was the right wings downright contempt for women.

    and those same tactics, and hell, even topics, are still being used today with Trumpism, Right Wing Extremism, and the Russian Puppets push for fascism in western countries.

  • Conservatives have a lot to gain by building bots to antagonize and convert naive young (and old) people by plastering their dumb ideas everywhere. It’s marketing, if you’re cruel and dumb they want you on their team.

    Because their opinions are unpopular as fuck, even amongst their own base, so they have to resort to paying propagandists and social manipulators to spam accounts and posts about their shit to make it seem more popular than it is, in the hopes of converting some of their idiot base by making them go “WELL SO MANY PEOPLE (BOTS) ARE TALKING ABOUT THIS, IT MUST BE POPULAR, THERE FOR I MUST LIKE IT OR I FAIL CONSERVATISM”

  • A_Random_Idiot@lemmy.worldtoReddit@lemmy.worldWhen did reddit turn Facist?
    5 months ago

    Nah, if you want to point at the thing that made all this happen…then its not MAGA.

    it was Gamergate.

    Gamergate was the prototype and test run for the foreign provocateurs, right wing extremists and other hate mongers to see how successful such a large scale attempt at manipulation of narratives and communities could be… and it proved quite successful, and the same tactics and methods were scaled up even further to lay the groundwork for Trumpism and what we have today.

    Gamergate was the Trinity test that lead to Littleboy (general uptick in rightwing extremism/fascism/alt-rightism and approval of such) and FatMan (Russian “Useful Idiots” who came to power, or threatened to, with Russian backing, not just in America, but elsewhere)