AlpineSteakHouse [any]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2023


  • I think qualia and the philosophical zombie thing pokes a hole in the whole non-soul thing but I’ll admit that I don’t have a good materialist explanation.

    I’d wager that consciousness is some sort of emergent property of matter operating on a dimension we can’t directly interact with. 70% of our understanding of the universe doesn’t come from directly observing stuff, it comes from observing the effects of it.

    That doesn’t mean that you have an eternal soul that survives death, just that consciousness is a bit more complicated than the current materialist explanation.

  • My point still stands even if its modified a bit.

    It’s only your mind active in this scenario. You might as well just ask to know everything in existence.

    Knowing everything in existence is just merging with the universe which isn’t what I want. I want my ego to still exist, even if only temporarily. I don’t want to go from human -> THE ALL, I want to follow the path with the extra time I was given.

    I don’t see how you get to the ascension part anyway, you can only absorb the answers you look for, you don’t get time and space to do anything with it.

    If I don’t get time and space then it doesn’t matter what I ask anyway as I’d be dead before I got to appreciate the answer. “Oh what’s the secret of the universe?” But then I’m dead before I even get to think about what it means. May as well just ask what’s on TV tomorrow because I wouldn’t get anything from it.

  • Yeah…he literally put $1400 in your pocket, assuming you’re American, at the beginning of his administration in response to the covid-19 virus.

    Trump did it twice, plus Biden promised $2000 and walked that back when he was in office.

    Ignoring everything else, Trump pushed for the checks and called on congress to make increases to what was given out. Biden sent out a lower amount than what he promised and then presided over the clusterfuck that was the end of the pandemic.

  • I hate their unconscious brains but I think their consciousness is okay.

    Humans are driven more by unconscious monkey brain then they care to admit. The people they like, hate, and pay attention to are largely unconscious behaviors. In this way, a human in a social setting is pure animal. The personality and ego are mere tools used by the human organism to navigate these social situations.

    The human organism is a unconscious, cruel thing that should be abandoned as soon as possible. The egos created from it are okay. But asking them to separate themselves is hard for the trained let alone the layman.

  • 95% of the “wholesome human moments” are more or less tribalism/nepotism malfunctioning.

    It’s like when a mother cat adopts ducklings because she came across them shortly after birth. But if it was 8 hours before she’d hunt and eat them. The cat doesn’t care about the ducks, it’s just a brain chemistry acting in a weird case. Humans are not different, they just imagine their emotions/unconscious social calculations to be a part of themselves.

  • sigh

    Le epic redditer moment

    Your vote matters just as much as everyone else’s.

    Unless you live in non-swing state in which case your vote literally means nothing as you’re a minority voter for at least the next 30 years. Even then, the vote of someone in a state with a small population gives more of a share of electoral college votes than a populous state. Plus the whole 2 senators a state thing etc etc.

    Your whole position is flawed. You’re reversing the responsibility of ensuring people get to vote. Politicians are well paid professionals whose entire job is to ensure that their political plans come to fruition. Blaming some doomer online for the failures of the party is completely missing the point.

  • It should have been in the 80’s. If those lesser evil folk bit the bullet and refused to vote for whatever shitty candidate they had at that point them maybe the Democratic party wouldn’t feel so comfortable shoveling Biden down our throats. It is 100% the fault of past Democratic party voters that we’re in this situation and it could have been avoided.

    In a purely 4-year cycle, it is better to vote for a Dem because they’ll be slightly better. But since we repeated that 10x already, the Dem has gotten to be so horrific that it isn’t worth it anymore. It’s like trying to decide how much grain to use to feed a village and how much to plant for the next season. In the short term, it’s better to feed the people and reduce the amount planted next year. But we did that so much that now there’s no more food.

    Boomers fucked Millennials and Gen Z with climate change. Gen X and Millennials fucked over Gen Z over with lesser evil voting.