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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Hard to say. Linus has always made it sound like his investment in Framework is a personal one, not one made by LMG. If that’s the case, then I think any potential issues could be largely sidestepped by just having someone else do all the laptop reviews.

    If that’s not the case and LMG is directly involved with Framework, then it gets a bit tricky. To their credit, they’ve done a good job of disclosing the Framework investment whenever the company is brought up, but I don’t watch most of LTT’s review content, so I’m not sure if it’s being mentioned in the context of other laptop reviews. If not, it needs to be.
    The whole point of having that kind of disclosure though is so people know that the information being presented is potentially biased. At a certain point, it’s on the audience to take that bias into account and cross reference other sources before making any purchasing decisions. I’m not sure there’s anything LMG can really do to alleviate the perceived conflict of interest, unless they just stop reviewing laptops altogether. Whether or not it’s ethical to continue reviewing laptops in that context, even with a full disclosure, is a question I don’t have a good answer to.

  • Second this. Just today, I was moving a couple terabytes from my work PC to my media server at gigabit speeds, and the transfer was absolutely hammering the poor quad core i5 I’ve got in it. Surfing the web was less than pleasant for an a hour to two there.

    Edit: I didn’t see OP’s reply to this comment when I first wrote it. I agree decompression is the most likely culprit, as it can be CPU intensive and compression ratios vary quite a lot from game to game.

  • If it’s good, I have no reason to bring it up.

    This describes my relationship with Dell perfectly. I never buy anything from Dell, and I always tell other people to avoid them. The best thing I can say about most of their products is “at least it’s not HP”, and the few decent things they sell tend to be massively overpriced.
    Despite that, I have a ton of Dell products that I’ve either saved from the trash or have been given second hand over the years, and my experiences with many of them have been just fine, maybe even bordering on pleasant in some cases. The monitor I’m looking at right now is a Dell, and it’s pretty good.
    On the other hand, I’ve spent afternoons ripping my hair out trying to adapt power supplies for their stupid proprietary motherboards, or figuring out how to compile a fan controller driver for Linux, because their laptop fans won’t fucking spin until a proprietary driver is loaded in the OS.
    Guess which Dell products I tell people about when they ask me what computer to buy? It’s sure not the ones that are decent, but otherwise unremarkable.