Are you saying the jackpot, or the one time cash out value which is always less than the annuity value? Because those are different things. And there’s several jackpot values that were single tickets above 1 bln
Are you saying the jackpot, or the one time cash out value which is always less than the annuity value? Because those are different things. And there’s several jackpot values that were single tickets above 1 bln
There’s been several winning jackpots over a billion now. There was one a couple weeks ago.
Calling them radical is still punching down.
That’s how most companies operate.
They can’t dismiss all the jury candidates…
The power generation facility itself still has massive overhead costs regardless of how much fuel they are using at any given time.
That’s what staging is for…
As soon as they can would be within the 4 years… They’re dumping his dementia’d ass and installing their easier to control puppet, not waiting until the end of the term
Not every website is set up properly to allow that to work seamlessly.
None of that is by the book. There’s no mechanism that lets the president stay in power by “tying things up in court”. Any attempt to do what you describe is just a coup.
And there’s zero chance that amendment gets passed. We can barely get a simple 50% majority for the budget passed.
Martial law does not prevent our elections from happening. That’s not “by the book”.
US has been at war most of its existence. That’s never prevented an election from occurring
Israel’s leash is tight, damn.
Ah yes, AGI… Automation Generating Income
deleted by creator
Glad we agree
… Less traceable in that the price of the coin going up and them cashing out isn’t a direct line from the government coffers to their pocket.
I’m aware it’s a public ledger.
You have quite the hole in your understanding of how this system works. No.
and AGs are not cops. Stop repeating the propaganda designed for morons to repeat ad nauseum
It’s almost always old people with their sound on, ime