Seconding Jellyfin. I used to run XBMC as God intended on my old OG Xbox but Kodi is so bloated and garbo these days from what I’ve seen.
Seconding Jellyfin. I used to run XBMC as God intended on my old OG Xbox but Kodi is so bloated and garbo these days from what I’ve seen.
Lemmy is strong enough that Reddit trolls have to come and try to lure us back to Reddit by badmouthing the competition.
Seems like Lemmy is doing pretty well to me. 😉
I’m not terribly surprised but I was excited at the potential of everyone going “fuck it replace me then” and Reddit trying to limp through an IPO with a whole army of noob mods with zero moderation tools 😂
I think I recall hearing about TOTSE. Wasn’t it BBS?
This. Violence is not the answer.
Until it is. Violence sometimes only can be corrected with violence.
Except for the veteran sub where I got perma banned for literally saying I don’t like fascism, I never had many paths cross with mods.
Where I lost respect for them is when Reddit started telling them to open up or get replaced and most of them complied. I’d have some more empathy if it was at work where getting canned meant scrambling to pay bills - but we’re talking about Reddit. They claim to stand for something but the second they’re asked to give up anything for that belief they cave.
Psuedo interwebs powers just trump morals and values these days.
A vague interest in taking my data away from “Big Tech” led me to get hosting a few years back and use a private email solution professionally hosted. Last year, I bought a pi then went through a breakup and didn’t touch it until recently haha.
I just had to rebuild from scratch but I’m running Flame dashboard, Vaultwarden, Nextcloud, Baikal, and a rickroll server disguised as a Docs app, because I’m a red blooded American. :P (and the boring stuff lol)
That’s how I feel gesturing broadly at the 3 or 4 states they’re still actively fighting against minimum marriage age laws.
Their voters out here voting for them to “protect children” from pronouns, from books, from learning - then turn a blind eye when they vote to make marrying at 12 legal again or to force 12 year olds to give birth or to send 12 year olds back to the mines. Not only are the politicians cartoon villains, in 2023 so are their voters. Full Stop.
Plenty of systems operate just fine without 4-6 hours of daily scheduled downtime. This is just deliberate.
We know why but pointing out how Republicans only policy position is “explicitly kneecap everything so we can privatize it and funnel money to our friends at non negotiated rates 5x the normal end user retail cost” is apparently not allowed because some guys like guys and some people want to alter a pronoun by one letter or some such shit.
I’ve known a few parents who will straight up tell their kids date to run. 😂
Is it possible to exist on Reddit right now and NOT know what’s going on is my question lmao
Are you seriously fucking trying to gatekeep the fediverse? JFC get a life fam.
I never used a third party app but I’ll give this a spin lol.
I got banned from a sub for a relatively tame normal opinion about something or other, like a video game or something. Sent a mod mail asking what happened and what could I do to make it right, got muted and then banned from 10 more subs immediately.
I just nuked my 15 year 750k karma account after giving him a piece of mind to each modmail box. I’ll absolutely burn the earth before letting some internet loser feel like he runs my life lol.
You’re welcome to go create “PC enthusiast”
I’m super not knowledgeable about codecs and shit, but IIRC there’s one that the rpi 4 is just garbage at dealing with. x265 I think it’s called?