No, stopping US military aid will definitely not stop the war and I’m not aware of Trump even claiming he is going to end military aid. Disinformation until proven otherwise.
Independent thinker valuing discussions grounded in reason, not emotions.
Open to reconsider my views in light of good-faith counter-arguments but also willing to defend what’s right, even when it’s unpopular. My goal is to engage in dialogue that seeks truth rather than scoring points.
No, stopping US military aid will definitely not stop the war and I’m not aware of Trump even claiming he is going to end military aid. Disinformation until proven otherwise.
Where has he said he wants to stop helping Ukraine? Haven’t he been quite vocal about wanting to end the war?
This is equivalent of stalking your ex years after breaking up and hoping them to break up with their new partner.
Move on.
Well it’s also the first and only one of its kind so you weren’t too far off.
not a single ultimate disposal place for the radioactive waste has been found/created.
Onkalo spent nuclear fuel repository
Also something to keep in mind is that high level waste which is the spent fuel is only about 3 - 5% of the total radioactive waste from nuclear power plants. Majority of the waste has way lower levels of radiation and it’s things like reactor parts and safety equipment.
Agreed. We should build much more of it to the point where we’d basically be powering our southern and western neighbours too.
I don’t remember the exact statistics but around half of Finns have plan similar to mine where the prices change hourly. So far it has been cheaper on the long run but there are days when the prices are so high that you basically have to turn off heating or it’ll cost you hundreds in one day. There is no upper limit to it but there’s no lower limit either. Sometimes it goes to negative as well. Last year there was a day when it went so far into negative that people were earning money by running electric heaters outside in the winter.
I have nothing against nuclear energy personally. I wish we’d build more of it. Currently about 2/5th is wind power, 2/5th nuclear and 1/5 hydro. When there’s no wind and it’s cold outside we see prices in the 30 - 70c/kWh which is insanely expensive. If we had huge storage capacity and much, much more wind turbines then maybe it could work.
Euros but it’s basically the same in USD
Probably neither but to feel superior over their friends.
Not just iPhones but smartphones in general. I haven’t been excited about a new device since 2016 or so.
It’s still the highest value streaming service out there and worth even more than that. Atleast for me it is. I still wont pay for as long as adblocker works but when they inevitably prevent me from using it, I’ll subscribe. I have zero moral arguments for why I should be getting this all for free. YouTube essentially is the internet for me.
If he had said that you’d link me an article. He haven’t so you lie about it and justify it with orange man bad. Just shows how disinfo is spread by both sides.