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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • There are three reasons that I can think of to why my comment is downvoted. One, these are account that Chinese agency runs to downvote anything relating to wuhan lab. Second, these are BPT useres who don’t see how racist the subreddit is. Three, and what I think is the most likely, they think I am a conspiracy theorist, white supremacist person with right wing agenda.

    The funny thing is I am from the Middle East, have dark skin color, triple vacinated and ware a mask all the time in poorly ventilated areas.

    I look at things from an outsider perspective and the more your read invistigation, and then you look at social media and politican you see how things are so fucked up. They gaslight normal people who actually read reports and validate information and label them as right wing, concipricy theorist and flat earther. While they push the others towards believing whatever they want to push as the absolute truth. Although, history is full with corporations, governments and media claims that turn to be deadly.

    Thanks for sharing your experience at least I know I am not alone…