Old, large, cranky. Gotta go to the bathroom.
Also, that picture isn’t me.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I wasn’t referring to r/jailbait, nor was I implying he was a pedophile. I was clumsily alluding to comments purportedly written by Swartz, supporting peoples’ right to publish, read, and share kiddie porn.

    But you know what? I haven’t read Swatrtz’s comments myself, so I’m not sure exactly what he said, and in a few minutes googling I can’t even find what I’d read about whatever Swartz may or may not have written.

    So the line about kiddie porn was me talking out of my ass. Never a good idea. Knowing nothing, nothing is what I should’ve said.

  • I dislike almost every Microsoft product, and always prefer the alternatives, but que sera sera. :) I don’t doubt that it works.

    We’re required to use Microsoft Teams at my office, and oy, what an endless annoyance. If you’re in an MS environment all day, can you tell me how to make Teams understand that I’ve read something? All day every day, any time there’s a message in Teams, I spend five seconds reading it, then ten seconds trying to get Teams to stop marking it “unread.”

    Agreed about Firefox, except I love it so much I haven’t given up on it. I just can’t. Been using Firefox since 1957. When a site doesn’t work, I jump to Chrome and it’s almost invariably OK. Only a slight hassle, plus that I hate Chrome too.