Cyrus Draegur

Atomic energy enthusiast. Architecture enjoyer. Mecha appreciator. Sci-Fi reader. Friendly neighborhood shameless degenerate. Winged caniform synthetic biped techno-lich. Mostly Harmless™. Poly-Panro-Demi It/They/He

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • It’s interesting that every group of people, basically ever, has started a religion.

    One such example of a group of people who had NOT developed religiosity I’m aware of, interestingly, also did not develop mathematics or written language, because the capacity for abstraction which form the substrate that religions grow upon is ALSO a prerequisite for speculative concepts like symbolic meaning and set theory.

    I’m speaking of certain mostly out of contact tribes of humans.ã_people
    And even they, despite living with an exclusively direct observation empiricism-based worldview, are still susceptible to collective hallucination (though they don’t cultivate it into an organized system that will ever persist beyond those who directly experienced any given hallucinatory event).

  • This right here. If we didn’t have religion, practically the first thing we’d do is begin hallucinating about one. There’s a “religion”-shaped hole in every human brain, basically, even though things that we wouldn’t necessarily readily recognize as religious patterns could come to fill it, wholly or partially. Our pattern recognition/reconstruction and predictive modeling systems will always generate hallucinations that, like most heuristics, are fundamentally not reality but MAY nevertheless offer sufficient utility (or the feeling of utility) that the synaptic connections they comprise will end up self-reinforcing.

    The amount of vigilance it would take to continually purge these cognitive patterns would be more expensive and exhausting than most of the potential dangers of letting them exist.

    But it’s possible to mindfully decide to cultivate the features and aspects of what emergently congeals there such that it’s more likely to be harmless, such as certain hobbies, fandoms, habits, or ritual-esque behavioral patterns.

    Reflecting on our experiences against an anthropomorphized hypothetical observer to gain insights we would otherwise miss shows up even in places like computer programming - see “rubber duck debugging” - sufficiently strict religious sects would most certainly decry this activity as idolatry to a false god, even if YOU clearly do not classify a rubber ducky as a god. Because, again, the root of religiosity is group consensus of a socially shared memetic hallucination. what they perceive becomes a component of their beliefs even if it doesn’t become a component of yours.

    This leads me to often consider spirituality, magical thinking, ritualistic behaviors, and religiosity in general as a bridge between our animalistic impulses and instincts vs. our sapience, or whatever you might label “higher” cognitive functions that enable abstract decision differentiation.

  • Attempting to police whom people are allowed to communicate with is a standard tactic cults use to manipulate and exert control over their victims. it’s part of the BITE model of authoritarian control.

    Although I for one generally don’t care to meet or talk to transphobes, racists, fascists, or traditionalist conservative types who simp to the peer pressure of dead people, I will not stand for some third party trying to make the judgement call FOR me. I don’t need some meddlesome middle-man gatekeeper superimposing their expectations upon me. Gatekeepers (who try to control OTHER people’s gates) go on the same list as the tradcon bigot scum. It’s MY business who I choose to talk to and why. And I also make it a point not to police who OTHERS get to talk to.

  • the even more disturbing trend of late is that

    1. nobody made any decisions
    2. nobody did any specific work
    3. nobody was available to do the work

    because an AI generated the entire content on the basis of an off-hand suggestion plugged in by a Search API directly reading some user’s query and shitting out a vapid, insipid extrapolation of that query in the rough shape of an article on-the-spot and brute force slamming SEO algorithms with keywords so it’s the first ten items you see when the search concludes.

  • I’ve been having an excellent experience with premium as well. I like knowing that I’m directly materially contributing to the people I watch. The only problem I have with YouTube premium lately is that it keeps trying to suggest fucking 8 hours long music streams to my TV and seems as though it’s REFUSING to learn that I don’t want to see that shit unless I’m deliberately searching for it. Get that shit the FUCK outta my feed. Otherwise, it’s the way YouTube was meant to be used.

    If I had my way though, I’d nuke YouTube’s ad system from orbit and replace it with this: for ads, NO VIDEO, NO SOUND, ONLY A SLIDE SHOW, CONTAINING ONLY TEXT. 15 Slides or 15 Seconds, MAXIMUM, whichever runs out first. If the user clicks anywhere but the product link, it advances the slide or closes the ad. PERIOD.