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Cake day: August 16th, 2024


  • A former neighbor and landlord of the Grays told The Post the teenager came from a neglectful home that, according to police, was frequently visited by the state’s child protective services agency.

    The alleged school shooter’s mother, Marcee Gray, who has a lengthy rap sheet with drug and domestic violence busts, is a bit of a black sheep on her side of the family, the relative explained.

    Unlike the rest of her kin, she got into the wrong crowd, dated some bad guys and often got into trouble, the family member said.

    Lauren Vickers, who lived next door to the Grays in Jefferson, Ga., told The Post the children were always wearing dirty clothes and sometimes were hungry.

    This is practically the definition of white trash.

    Just because part of the family isn’t trashy doesn’t mean that this particular family unit isn’t.

  • I don’t know where you’re from, but I have only ever heard somebody use the phrase “white trash” to refer to lower income white people, usually who behave in a trashy manner but not always (wherein a trashy manner means things like wearing wife beaters or raggy clothing, men walking around without shirts on, living in a trailer park–though that alone doesn’t necessarily make you white trash, being undereducated and poorly spoken, being bigoted and outspoken, likely being on drugs or drinking too much, or living on disability payments while not being disabled and still hating “welfare” for others, having a criminal record–penchant for fighting, drunk driving, theft, drug dealing, etc, etc).

    And it’s very much a racist term because it’s implying that regular “trash” is not white.

  • I’ve heard that about The Dispossessed. I tried to listen to it on audiobook and the narration was terrible, so I just couldn’t get far into it. I need to pick up a physical or digital copy.

    Oh, and Malazan is great. That one took me two tries to really get into as well, mostly because I initially had trouble keeping track of so many characters.

  • I don’t mean to be replying to every post on this thread–I guess I love a lot of books–, but I’m going to have to recommend these in particular for people who don’t usually read.

    I had this friend in college who had never read a book of his own volition. He wasn’t the sort of person who was proud of the fact, he just thought books were boring and had trouble getting through them. This horrified me, as somebody who had a collection of some 500 books or so at that point (almost all of them read). Anyway, he read Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and then Catch-22, and he was hooked. He’s been a reader ever since.

  • I agree with more than one of these, but I would call out The Metamorphosis as one that everybody should read. You can appreciate it at any age (well, within reason–maybe not for the 8-year-olds), it’s dramatic and captivating, and it’s short.

    I always try to recommend books of short stories to my friends who like to read but don’t have much time for it.

  • Funny. I absolutely hated Stranger in a Strange Land. It felt like a 14-year-old boy’s fantasy/im14andiamsmart. Pretentious and masturbatory.

    Maybe I would have loved it if I read it when I was 14 instead of when I was something like 22.

    It’s actually my go-to example for a book that I dislike. I think it’s the only book I’ve really actually hated. I would have just thought it was tripe if it hadn’t taken such a wonderful title away. Now there will never be a good book with that fantastic title.