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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Yes that’s the guy! If anyone hasn’t seen the video. Even if you generally hate debates. Even if you generally can’t stand to hear republicans. It’s absolutely riveting. I don’t think most people have actually seen what a real debate looks like. And that’s by design. If they were all like that. I think things would be a damn sight better. They’re also used to being pampered, going overtime, and talking over each other. He just cuts them the fuck off as it should be. In the middle of trying to answer questions other than the ones he asked.

  • Gaza is a valid point

    Is it though? Congress approves and funds aid. The minimal and inadequate push back Biden has given on the genocide. As paltry as it was. Was already lauded by house Republicans and their leader as an issue they will campaign against Democrats on. Doubly ironic given how minimal the push back was, and the fact that plenty of congressional Democrats are all in for Israel regardless of what it does. And the fact that Congress is the party responsible. So another side of irony.

    I’m not sure how myopically focusing on Biden who couldn’t actually cancel the aid even if he wanted to. While ignoring the Congressional Republicans and Democrats who are actually eagerly funding this. And assisting weather intentional or unintentional the re-election of a fascist and victories for his party. Is going to help anyone. In Gaza or the US. It all seems strangely, suspiciously counterproductive.

  • That really depends on how you define fascist and capitalist I guess.

    Here’s a definition of facism from Webster:

    severe economic and social regimentation

    That’s not the complete definition. And your ignoring a lot of the disambiguation that comes along with the full definitions. The small piece you quoted is so ambiguous it could apply to any authoritarian group under any economic system. It really seems you’re not engaging in good faith.

    both definitions of capitalism say it involves private (non-government) control. When you get too much government control, it stops being capitalism

    That’s just absurd. Whether it’s private or public it’s still government. Capitalism as you said is about private non democratic control.

  • I almost up voted you reflexively because Second Thought often trends towards Marxist Leninist propaganda. But I didn’t have to read far before the ignorance started to gleam through.

    In fact, fascism is anti-capitalist

    That’s false on the face of it. Fascism is definitionally capitalist. Go check Wikipedia or an encyclopedia of your choice. Any reputable one will tell you that. If you don’t understand that, it’s likely you don’t actually understand what capitalism is. Which would be very on brand for most people educated in America. The indoctrination and propaganda has been very heavy here.

    The rest of your “critique” could best be described as disingenuous misrepresentation or flat out misunderstanding if one was generous. I’m not going to rebut it line by line as I generally have no desire to defend Second Thought. But despite them often being misleading and even propagandic. They get far more correct than this critique.

  • Non Nvidia will give you the best over all experience. That said I do have 3 systems running Linux with Nvidia. But one of them is headless, and I can’t use Wayland on the other two because the Nvidia driver shits the bed hard with one particular app. However if I don’t run that app Nvidia and Wayland are pretty stable and smooth. Not as smooth or stable as AMD or Intel and Wayland. But decent.

    And depending on your needs. I just picked up an overclocked RX 580 sapphire on eBay for 60 bucks. Which is pretty decent for 1080p gaming.

  • Probably a tonal issue on my part. Not intentional. But it’s happened before. Combined with the fact that despite my advice being sound. It’s far from an ideal solution for a number of people. Not everyone can buy online, and many don’t have the interest or aptitude to procure and assemble themselves. And it sucks that there isn’t a better option. Brick and mortars etc providing an option.

    I have run Linux on systems from every major SI. Dell, HP, Lenovo, Acer, IBM etc. Tower wise these days it’s fairly foolproof outside network or graphics interfaces. Realtek is a mess. And Nvidia IS getting better, but still shits the bed badly when I try to use it with Wayland and the software I want to use. Which is getting to be issue enough that I’m de-nvidifying where possible till Nvidia gets it together.

    Laptops are a special hell though. Malfunctioning/non functioning screen controls, IO, and peripherals that can’t be replaced etc. The next laptop I buy will be one built with Linux compatibility in mind. I’m getting to the point myself that while I can chase down and fix issues. I would rather it just fully worked. Replacing the m.2 network interfaces on systems that allow it is great and all. But at my age my eyesight is getting to where attaching the antenna leads is very challenging.

  • If you install Linux on any sort of proprietaryish system. Dell, HP, Lenovo, etc. You need to expect to have some issues. And it’s not linux’s fault.

    If you want to have a smooth “just works” experience with Linux. Either buy a system made to run it. System 76, tuxedo etc. Or build it yourself if you have the know how.

    You wouldn’t try to install Mac OS on a non Mac and expect it to work flawlessly. We shouldn’t expect that of Linux either. It often still does. But that’s besides the point.

    My favorite laptop to use right now A 2017 HP elitebook with an AMD chipset. The Bluetooth is indeed a bit of a problem unfortunately. But if I took the time to source a decent Intel m.2 upgrade board. It would be flawless apart from the fingerprint sensor which will never work. But again, that’s not linux’s fault.

    Make the investment into a compatible system and you won’t regret it.

  • I have an ancient HP laptop with an AMD CPU and vega graphics. It is legit one of my favorite systems to use Linux on. I have desktop towers with gpus that would run circles around it. But they’re Nvidia so that means I can’t use Wayland or the experience gets very unstable. This little laptop. It just cruises light fast and efficient. And though not up for modern gaming, still does respectable.