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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Like I said, I’m not interested in the debate. Just pointing out the horrible discourse that is seen way too often here.

    “They” who dive into adhominems includes you too bud, just from the last couple comments you made in this argument you said the following:

    Let me give you some advice on debating or trying to discuss things. You should refrain from it.

    Just a straight up nasty adhominem attack

    Lol no wrong like confidently wrong.

    This one is interesting because the whole cause is debated (though generally you’re on what most scholars consider the wrong side, whether that’s right or not I have no idea or interest though). But you state your point like it’s a black and white fact, when it largely depends on your own opinion of which sources you trust. >

    I’m used to kiddies like yourself.

    Another adhominem attack, “lol child! I don’t have to take anything you say seriously”

    Honestly just pretty shitty discussion all around, from both sides.

    Reddit is pretty far left too mate, less than here because it’s a bigger pool of people that doesn’t hound anyone (not as badly anyway) who doesn’t fit the classic mould of the “typical user”, but overall left nonetheless.

    I think what you’ve discovered is that lemmy is more of an echo chamber for YOUR beliefs than reddit was, and people enjoying feeling like their opinions are validated and praised, so you’ve had a better time here but you may not be more informed (arguably less, as fewer people are challenging your thinking).

    Have a nice day anyway mate :) x

  • Yeah mate go nuts, I’ve been called plenty worse just today and been amused by it.

    I am talking to both of you, your comment just happened to be the last in the chain.

    I read the argument and thought “jesus fuck this place is basically unbearable”.

    Honestly I’ve seen plenty worse on reddit too, but also SO much better. There are obviously loads more users so the worst is worse than the worst here, and the best is better than the best here. The point I’m making is that the average interaction here is worse than reddit, that famously circlejerky echo chamber hivemind. Yet if I don’t fit the mould of a lemmy user it seems I’m a villain 80% of the time so that description could just as validly be levelled at lemmy too.

    An argument descends to ad-hominem attacks so unbelievably fast so unbelievably frequently. It really is no surprise users are dropping like flies at the moment and I feel I might be another one soon enough.

    Not that you care, I hope you have a nice day regardless, take care :) x

  • One is taught from birth and has a history of indoctrination that both you and me would likely also fall for in the same situation.

    The other is willful ignorance with no historical reason to believe it and full denial of most science.

    I’m not religious at all, I am happy to openly mock God and dare him to strike me down, I really don’t care. But laughing at the PEOPLE who believe it through no fault of their own is pure douchebaggery.

    We’re fortunate to have the opportunity to learn about and assess the situation with as much knowledge as we like, plenty of people don’t have the same opportunity or were taught the beliefs long before they could reason any differently. 5000 years ago you’d be praising the sun God with the rest of us, everything from that to now is just shades of grey, and you’re pretty unlikely to be some special individual that derived all science from first principles and concluded that God was impossible.

    You’re basically just claiming to be better due to the circumstances you found yourself in (through no fault of your own). Seems like properly cunty behaviour to me, and only a stones throw from laughing at the poor for not being born into wealth.

    You dick :) x

  • My brother is similar but he does use an ereader for 90% of books these days. Now his book collecting hobby and the allure of a printed copy are restricted to his favourite or important books, 5 years ago he’d buy 100 books a year for £3 each, nowadays he’ll buy 3 or 4 books a year for £50 each and his satisfaction for good quality old or important copies of books goes through the roof.

    It’s possible to have your cake and eat it too is what I guess I’m saying.