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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • That’s a very black and white way of putting it. As long as you’re an adult who can tell the difference between fantasy and reality, and you’re not spending hours obsessed with it I don’t think it’s unhealthy. The way you phrase ‘avoid it completely’ makes it sound like you’re going out of your way to avoid it already.

    (I think the problems are coming through with the generation being ‘brought up on porn’, and thinking real sex is like it is in the videos online but that’s a different story really.)

  • No, I just think he’s very bad at reining in an extremely impulsive and volatile personality which leads to him making rash decisions. Also he is always wanting to make sweeping changes rather than gradual ones which may have worked with Tesla and Space but doesn’t suit Twitter.

    And lastly, I don’t think he really cares that much either way - as others have said, he had to be forced to buy Twitter remember. He’s got this albatross around his neck which is losing him money every day. He probably resents it a bit, has probably nearly hit the truth that the only way you could make a social media company profitable is to make everyone pay - except for the fact that almost everyone then leaves.

    I think he’s too much of a wild card for anyone to involve in their cunning plan. I mean regardless of politics would you recruit him for your masterplan?

  • I just started using it for Android the last month or so when Chrome dropped the flag feature that let you toggle dark mode for websites with system dark mode.

    I have a VPN with an adblocker so that aspect of Chrome never bothered me so much. Chrome felt like it worked slightly smoother but at the end of the day a browser is a browser and Firefox does the job. (Samsung’s browser is actually surpringly good for those with a Samsung device looking for a Chrome alternative)

    Firefox does seem more trustworthy overall, although I’ve learned by now that trusting tech companies is not a sensible thing to do.

  • This makes absolute sense until they get to secondary school (ages 11-16). All the kids at school have mobiles. You might have put the best parental controls on your sprogs phone but someone else hasn’t and his son - he’s the one showing pictures and videos at playtime. The problem is that kids don’t live in a bubble.

    I’m in the UK, don’t have a clue about what laws are coming in but am against this type of state intervention into private life of adults. Adults uploading id online is not something I am for.

    But I am pretty much in favour of banning smartphones in schools with kids that age these days - I’m a very liberal guy but I’ve heard so many horror stories from friends that are teachers.

    I actually think the main problem is the nature of the pornography itself. The stuff that comes up with choking and hair pulling and all that… There’s porn which is just people getting it on but it seems to be this violent stuff that gets to kids first and that’s the bit I don’t understand. I’m old. When I was their age it was magazines of naked people. A more innocent time.

  • Yeah to be fair I’ve always had a Samsung, either flagship or midrange and never had an issue.

    Samsung has gone way overboard with their pricing for flagships recently but their midranges are pretty decent on that score and I guess I just go with them because I’m happy with what I’m getting now. The A52s is what I have now, upgraded from an S10+ which had pretty much the same specs.

    In terms of bloatware, I just disable it or uninstall it, same as I do with any software which comes on a work phone or home PC that I don’t use. Is this a big deal?

    As for pixels - it’s great that they get regular updates. But they’re also expensive. They seem to look nice. Generally speaking though I agree they are the attempt to do an iPhone version of Android which probably only really matters in the US market

  • I think most people knew it was a protest and nothing more - I doubt a lot of people thought, hey Reddit is totally going to back down.

    It was a mass expression of user dissatisfaction which escalated from an initial 2 day blackout into something so much more, and so I’m pretty impressed with what it did, which was stirred up shit for the management and made the CEO say some ridiculous things in the press to boot.

    What I am a little disappointed in is that not as many mods walked. I’m not a mod, but I was fed the line ‘it’s going to be impossible to mod my sub without the 3rd party apps’. Given the amount of subs that seem to have been ticking over just nicely since the API switch though I feel like I was fed some bs in that department

  • From your tone it doesn’t sound like you’re comfortable with the idea. Would it be so bad to try retaking it? Would your parents be angry or give you grief over it? I know there’s different levels of acceptability of bribery in different parts of the world so I’m guessing your somewhere where it’s not as strictly monitored as where I am.

    But go with your instincts. At the end of the day it’s you taking the risk of paying a bribe, not your parents, and it’s your moral choice, not theirs. But at the same time I know how annoying parental pressure can be!