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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Question, why are we linking fox 59, when the hill has the same article word for word?

    Second, why are we being told we are wrong? By what metric are we incorrectly measuring?

    Forty-nine percent of respondents say unemployment is at a 50-year high, though it’s actually close to a 50-year low at less than 4 percent.

    Please stop pretending that just because people are employed that they are not working harder then ever before to stay afloat. It is disingenuous at best.

    The NBER said the most recent recession coincided with the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the U.S. hasn’t been in one since.

    Getting out of a recession does not mean people did not have to make hard choices with their finances during that time.

    Just because we are pulling out of the Covid craze, does not mean that the average household has rebounded.

    People had to uproot their lives and won’t feel the effect of good policy until well down the line.

  • The departments of Justice and Homeland Security are partnering with campus law enforcement to track hate-related threats and provide federal resources to schools, according to the plan, which was shared exclusively with NBC News.

    So pretty much doing what they were already doing. Just being more proactive against people that were considering violence.

    I don’t think this is a wrong measure. We are not ruled by lynch mobs, hunting witches.

    People should be logical and rational against such hurtful opinions, but I think death against such individual crosses a line of morals that just hurts any productive solutions we could come up with.

  • I do think that crypto does have a place in the future, but not as a security, which is the current mindset behind most crypto.

    Where others deposit large amounts of wealth into a pile… and that money is supposed to grow infinitely…

    That’s not how you use a currency like the USD or British pound are used. Money is a tool for us to understand the value of our items that we exchange or our labor that we create.

    It has to circulate like a blood flow through an economy. And crypto is treating it more like a blood clot.

  • There was no way that coin was going to sustain itself like Spez claimed it would.

    People weren’t going to buy crypto coins, just to give content creators medals. And the idea that medals would give more power to these people, except not really and only in polls.

    This was such a jigsaw puzzle of shit, before you realized that each community was supposed to make their own coin that could only be used in that community.

    At that point, it is a coin trying to be as complex as possible, without really doing anything that you paid money for.

  • Dues deduct from your paycheck

    So does every other subscription “service.”, but we don’t talk about the vileness of a Netflix subscription do we?

    No guarantees on pay, benefits, or work rules

    This is just a lie. I cannot find another angle to it.

    Even without a union, there is no guarantees on pay, benefits, or work rules. So the point is moot. It’s like saying “Anything is possible” and walking away like you said something sagely.

    Typically must go through union instead of your supervisor or manager

    Most people wouldn’t understand why this matters unless you’ve been apart of a job where your manager has defended you against your supervisors. Very few people have had this happen, but the idea is that you will have people that DEFEND YOU from your supervisors getting power hungry.

    It’s not even like your supervisor can’t bring accusations against you, it just means that complaints would have to have merit.

  • You can tell me I am wrong in any of this and I will apologize immediately. That being said I think there is only one problem here

    It appears the only thing keeping the cookies on the tray was a piece of wax paper and an air cushion. I think something happened to your wax film as it became loose and no longer contained the cookies. Possibly because of heat or condensation.

    If the blot stain on the side is any indication, as it is absent from all other corners of the box. I believe your cookies ended up on their side completely unguarded from any wax film. Just cardboard, cookies, and whatever physics happened between here and there.

    One way I would suggest to fix this is by vacuum sealing them if you wish to avoid this problem again. Though I imagine bakers and logistics experts will give you much better advice then this.