They need to be able to ask you a question anytime right away. Most questions are about the weather. Sometime it will be : I dropped this very delicate part then stepped on it, do I need to report it?
They need to be able to ask you a question anytime right away. Most questions are about the weather. Sometime it will be : I dropped this very delicate part then stepped on it, do I need to report it?
Nowadays cubicle are a luxury. Open floor space is the new hell. We got extra bonus torture at my place, putting office desks right on the fucking factory floor.
It sure was not for me, the minimalist / efficient modern take they went for, was the antithesis of my thoughts process. Good for portable devices is probably true, that’s why I couldn’t stand it on a desktop, it felt like it was meant to take over Android on tablets. it was a huge change.
I dropped gnome when they trashed the desktop for the new tablet like fad. Went to xfve, then mate, cinnamon, KDE… to me gnome with Compiz fusion was the pinnacle of desktops. I get why they wanted to start fresh, but it broke my perfect setup. I haven’t even bothered to look back since then, how did it evolve?
Oh it’s about speed. What’s the one that get your brain to be faster at programming? I use 4 fingers typing and am still typing much faster than I can think.
Isn’t this supposed to be VIM vs Emac? What’s is there point to be programming in the terminal anyway? Nano is good to fix some config files while your are in there, but if I needed to do real programming I’ll be finding something that works in the GUI.
My kids want to play Roblox, and I don’t want windows,. So yes, playing Roblox on Linux would be nice.
Googling the question. top links is always, always the question being answered by : google it.
Geese flying into Québec in February was a clear sign that spring is very early this year.
will it run on a turbo-encabulator?