• 5 Posts
Joined 14 days ago
Cake day: September 5th, 2024


  • Vegeta.

    Akira personally doesn’t like him, which may explain so much as to why Vegeta really never got too much of the spotlight as Goku did. Sure, Saiyan Saga Vegeta is an irredeemable prick but by Freiza saga, he actually developed gradually. His complaints of being second to Goku gets tiring at times but it’s a vessel he uses to actually keep going on.

    It is because of him firing off that energy ki to Cell, is what gave Gohan the advantage he needed to finish Cell off for good since he was struggling even with Goku’s help.

    I just like the progress of Vegeta’s character build. I like that even though he’s not prodigy he was lead to believe in surpassing Goku, he’s still second-best compared to the rest.

  • Oh my god, yes.

    I’ve even talked with people who’re like;

    This…is an example sentence…just to tell you…something.

    Usually you see that with older people not used to texting or someone who’s first language is not english. But you see so many of that, it makes you wonder. I think they’re trying to make it look like they’re processing their thoughts as they’re typing?

    I don’t expect people to be Charles Dickens here, but jesus, I’d rather someone take their time getting a thought out than for me to see a poorly written draft of it.

  • Capitalism makes me view the world and society as manufactured. Nothing I buy brings me true happiness, because it is just a means to survive or bring some bare minimum amount of comfort. Nothing out there to watch, play, read, listen to brings authentic joy as they once did, knowing how much capitalism has affected all of those mediums.

    I’ve had to watch my dreams and ambitions die on the chopping block, because they’d require a level of financial stability or requirement I’d never ever get to see in my life even now.

    They say you should turn your hobbies into a job. Well to me, my idea of a hobby is to enjoy and to escape. To monetize it, would mean I have to let that toxic friend be more of a friend than I am already at a discomfort with being my unintentional friend in the first place.

    I already have a very jarred and jaded outlook on everything in the world, thanks to capitalism. I even despise the word ‘consumer’ because that’s a derogatory term to devalue people by, but we’ve come to accept it unfortunately.

    And one day, I will be a victim of this capitalism. I am just one car repair or emergency visit away from wanting sweet release.

  • And Spez’s response?


    And so he did which is why some subreddits came back from being dark. Some subreddits submitted to their own fates. Other subreddits reluctantly came back, proving the protest was just a mere farce that amounted to a nothingburger.

    And what did Spez do after the whole fiasco? Why, he punched Reddit into now being Public. Completing what people had long speculated that he’d do.

    And what did Spez do after that? He’s now rolling out the concept that Subreddits will be monetized.

    Spez has ultimately learned nothing from these incidents and expects it to get better, with that stupid shit eating grin on his face because he huffs and breathes in all of Musk’s farts.

  • Because the bigots seemed to have found ways to get in positions of influence to spread their toxic ideologies and get laws passed that targets their ‘enemies’. Even when the Supreme Court ruled in 2015 that same-sex marriage is legal, I knew in the back of my mind that things are far from over. Because after that? Like one month later, Kim Davis denied legalizing a same-sex marriage.

    And things seemed to have worsened thanks to the existence of people like DeSantis, Trump and any GOP still somehow breathing that wants to antagonize everyone over sexual orientation. Because in their psychotic structure, they want America to be purely Christian, purely White and probably Blonde, Blue-eyed and fair skinned.

    Even in 2004, George W Bush back then on February was quoted to have said: “Our Nation must defend the sanctity of marriage”. What he means is, to protect the sanctity of STRAIGHT marriage because he seems to have it in his head that marriage is the property of the church and all that shit.

    Doesn’t that sound exactly like the kind of people a certain country named Germany aspired to be like back in WWII? Ironic.