This but corps
This but corps
So it’s just a coincidence that they ended up killing their competitors? Yeah right.
Then why did they once support XMPP?
I never said defeating them or out competing them should be the goal. The goal should be the survival of services. And corporations will kill these services.
Keeping users siloed in Facebook’s garden shouldn’t be seen as a win for us.
Sometimes the only winning move is not to play. If people hadn’t federated with google’s XMPP back in the day, google wouldn’t have had the same level of control it had to kill XMPP as a competitor.
We need to learn from the lessons of the past, and the past has resulted in the deaths of services when federating with corporations.
And for those that don’t:
“Make Sure You Are Square With Your God Before Trying To Merge This”
Our electoral system is inherently biased against 3rd party candidates due to the spoiler effect of first past the post voting. The only solution is election reform that regulates election finances, a switch to approval/STAR voting, and regulation on political ads.
The dictation software we have is pretty shitty though. It almost always needs proof-read, or re-dictated several times to get it right. At that point you may as well just send an audio clip.
Until the day that dictation software gets it 100% correct, it’s not going to be worth my time.
For now, the human on the other end will always have an easier time understand an audio clip than a machine, because human minds are more capable of using context and getting past regional accents.
It’d be nice if there were open source printers. Somehow we have a few for 3D printers but not 2D printers, and it is annoying as hell.
Georgia law requires the names of jurors to be public for the sake of transparency. So while Trump is a traitor, the juror’s names thing isn’t his doing.
His supporters though, they’re absolutely going to be responsible once one of the jurors gets shot. And Trump will hold some of that responsibility for not keeping his cultists at bay.
It is one of those indeed :)
get things; make things;
Go for it. It was already an old, long dead meme when I posted it here.