I found out not long ago that I can’t donate blood in the US because I’m British and lived here during the 1990’s so could theoretically be carrying mad cow disease.
I found out not long ago that I can’t donate blood in the US because I’m British and lived here during the 1990’s so could theoretically be carrying mad cow disease.
Wasn’t there also very recently a whole thing about the single guy who maintains the NTP spec threatened to retire so he could get a “real” job, which caused a gigantic internet-wide panic as pretty much everything we do relies on computer’s clocks being perfectly synced?
Yeah this pretty much. Why would I drive a car? it’s a huge waste of money for absolutely no benefit to my life.
I’ve considered learning/getting my licence just to have it “just in case”, that way at least if that once every few years thing comes up where I absolutely need a car and a taxi just won’t cut it, I can hire one or something? but it’s just kind of not come up yet.
What kind of battery life do you actually get? I can barely scrape a fully day out of my phone right now so anything similar to that is fine by me!
I wasn’t aware the calculator app used h.264/5, what relevance is that?
My Xperia 10 III has it up top. Damaged more than one cable by just jamming it in my pocket upside-down then realising the cable’s getting smushed up. Note to self: Get headphones with 90 degree cable connectors
Out of curiosity, how does this work with an external display? Does your HDMI/DisplayPort out go via the dGPU, or is it still done in the same way?
I’ve been dailying it on my desktop for a couple of years now (I want to say since 2022 but I forget exactly… there was a Plasma release where a certain feature finally became realised on Wayland and I switched then). Been running on my laptop for much longer, where I use GNOME. It’s been great, but I don’t have any Nvidia hardware.
Plus XWayland compatibiliry layer is an essential component as so little software has been rewritten to work with wayland natively.
Basically all Qt4/5/6 software and all GTK 3/4 software works on Wayland natively, outside of a few edge cases… what else is there aside from games?
They’re “self driving” in the worst possible way - they can run off on their own and do whatever they want, and have little understanding of the rules of the road. People already freak out when a robotaxi takes an inadvertent wrong turn, horses can freak out and try to kill pedestrians.
Ah yes because no one has ever “”“accidentally lost control”“” of their car and smashed something/someone to pieces with it!
I’d take the mounds of horse shit on the streets over the disgusting stench of cars any day. At least I can scoop some up and spread it on my garden.
Pipewire’s got fantastic JACK support. You can even run standard JACK control GUI’s like Carla on top of it and expect them to work just like they would on regular JACK
I have two banking apps that both run perfectly on Sailfish OS’s Android support layer. Obviously I’d prefer a native/webapp at a push but if for some reason you really need to use the banking app there are ways to do it.
Been daily driving SailfishOS for absolutely years. Originally ran it on a Nexus 4! It’s by far the most polished not-Android/iOS phone OS going right now.
And how exactly does that fix the issue with the client going against the spirit (if not the law) of the GPL?