Who says i was voting in anyone? Youre making up a story in your head you must be terminally online. Have you tried touching grass?
Who says i was voting in anyone? Youre making up a story in your head you must be terminally online. Have you tried touching grass?
Never was ok with genocide. Are you still going to act like every person who doesnt agree with you is a brainwashed democrat?
And please enlighten me what am i lying about? This is gonna be funny :)
This whole thing of attempting to identify the epitome of a certain party is pretty pathetic. Why cant we just agree the person on this picture is nothing more than a brainwashed idiot devoid of empathy. And ironically this makes the OP of this post the same, a brainwashed idiot who cant just see people for who they are rather than plaster a label and generalize a wide population.
Americans stupidity is another one that they get correct but there’s plenty of things to laugh about America as there is to laugh about 3rd world countries.
Bruh… lmao…
Thats fucking sad
Buddy im not even communist, i am still for capitalism.
Your criticism is given to you because of how ridiculous you sound when you regurgitate the same old propaganda that you watch on social media.
Its so obvious that these thoughts were not formed by you
Again, authoritarian, not communism.
You really to get yourself educated my friend
Ok if we go off of that example, explain how exactly a so called communist country will exclusively force people to something against their will? What youre describing is closer to authoritarian government…
Nazis are not communist at all, they are facists. Youve been watching too much bullshit news from people who dont have a elementary clue of political science. This is why you cant even give a good clear answer as to why youre defending billionaires and surveillence capitalism.
It doesnt even require that much reading of such subjects. All it takes is to not be brainwashed by media and politicians.
Critical thought and self awareness is all it takes
It could be because they arent even describing communism. These problems are easily found right now.
The problem here is that people dont even know what communism is and they end up giving these kinds of answers. Makes you think thats probably why they made a new account
Theres no genuine convo of why communism is bad.
So your describing surveillance capitalism
Thats a bit dramatic, its more like silence is complacency in congress
Protons not a very good example bud
If youd like to start in the fall theres plenty of plants that can withstand the cole such as garlic beets etc. Though your zone matters too
Very interesting ill try it out, thanks!
So is this more like a gardening journal? Or is this something that you can connect any sensors to track moisture level, etc?
brainwashed, sad lol