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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • There’s no question I wrote the couple of things I’ve done for work to automate things, but I swear every time I have to revisit the code after a long while it’s all new again, often wondering what the hell was I thinking. I like to tell myself that since I’m improving the code each time I review it, each new change must be better overall code. Ha. But it works…

  • Extinction event level but not really, since some human groups didn’t show a remarkable effect. A large percentage drop in total population doesn’t mean much when it’s concentrated in certain areas and the total number of humans is very low already because hunting/gathering isn’t conducive to large species numbers. Did you note the one mention of the theory that adaptation of affected humans’ behavior might have been the driver for aggressively taking over Neanderthals through killing and incorporating captives into the groups?

    Circling back to the point at hand of the thread, climate change is far greater a threat on all species than past recent geologic events, even possibly surpassing ones such as the PETM which is the closest in comparison and definitely an extinction event. Humans haven’t experienced that level, ever. They weren’t around.

  • You should read the entire article. Toba hasn’t held up well to additional evidence. It was certainly hell for many in the area, but it doesn’t seem to be the bottleneck that people still quote it for.

    Life in general does rebound, it’s very persistent. That doesn’t mean most life won’t die off, nor will the rebound be quick and even resemble what we had. My own opinion is that we may have been witness to the peak of biodiversity, something that won’t even happen at that scale again simply because it needed specific conditions to be so vast.