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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 20th, 2023


  • Honestly I don’t see how it could be LOWER. I have a very dim view of the US Healthcare system, particularly where insurance companies are concerned.

    Why do the surgery that only has a 93% chance of success that will give the person use of their legs, that costs $250,000 when a $300 wheelchair will get them from A to B.

    Given that I have had to wait MONTHS for an appointment before, and my primary care Dr I have to schedule 2 months in advance, when people complain that they’ll have to wait longer than a week to see a doctor I wonder who they fucked over to get Healthcare that quickly.

  • What a long winded way to say “I am a piece of shit who likes to see others suffer, because feel I am superior.”

    Either you stand to unfairly gain from the current system, or you’re an idiot who not only listens to companies like Walmart tell you about “welfare queens” but buys it hook line and sinker.

    Or you’re a troll, I guess.

    Because if you think what you pay in premiums is less than what you’d pay with properly managed universal healthcare, you’re simply stupid. Not ignorant, stupid. Unable or unwilling to learn.

  • My mother WORKS IN HEALTHCARE as the intermediary for the hospital network and the insurance companies.

    She literally sees the Financials of people every fucking day.

    And still she thinks socialized Healthcare would tank the entire US. I’ve shown charts, studies, anecdotal evidence out the wazoo (which is where anecdotal evidence usually comes from) But no, I can’t possibly be right about this, it would mean someone who got stabbed will have to wait on 600 people with the sniffles to be seen by a doctor in 6 months. Because I guess in socialized medicine, triage doesn’t exist? You can’t logic someone out of a position they didn’t logic themselves into.

  • Legit had someone from my last job start going on a break room tirade about how “those damn unions just want your money” but strangely had no rebuttal when asked why giving them 2% of your paycheck is a bad thing when they negotiated your RAISE to be 15% and your health benefits add up to an additional savings of around 20%.

    I’m SO SORRY you’re getting extra money and healthcare rather than the NOTHING you had before.

    Nowadays I like to print up cards with unionizing information on them, facts vs myths, links to read up more, anti-union tactics, links to join unions, links to find HELP setting up a union, and basically anything I could cram into a business card. Now I leave about 10 of them any time I go into a non union store.

    Given how previous management has reacted to “someone” leaving these in the break room, I’m sure I’ve caused a few sleepless nights.

  • “Im an american (company)!”

    “so go back to America”

    revokes domain access to country

    Could be a person at an airport, a shipping container in a port, or an internet packet traveling down a series of intercontinental tubes to an isp. Result is still the same.

    To do business in another country, you have to play by their rules. Literally nobody else on the planet gives a shit if it’s “an American company”. Hell, not even most AMERICANS give that much of a shit.