• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • More so than age, I think we should all get a holiday to vote, that holiday’s length should be calculated by population size to accomdate congestion. Then, somehow make voting fun and exciting, the actual experience of filling out a ballot, so these fucking people actually come out to vote. So many fucking people dont even vote. As soon as you are considered an adult you should be able to vote, whatever age that may be to society at large.

  • That may be a while for me. But I will try to remember to swi g back around here and comment in like, a month or two lol whenever Recall is about to hit. I will admit, I tried to launch Sea of Thieves, Elden Ring, Cassette Beasts, and the Master Chief Collection, all which have really great scores on protondb. I chalked it up to inexperience at the time but I’ll run these log commands.

  • My great uncle was a nice dude fucked up from war. It made he introverted and he turned to trucking and the road to make ends meet. It was basically all he ended up doing. He never married or had kids, and stacked up all this cash. Before he died, he had put 1 million in cash in a suitcase, put it in the trunk of a car, and gave it to my grandparents. They couldn’t get the trunk open, didn’t investigate, sold the car.