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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2024

  • It would halve it or worse. ASUS makes a few models with built in internal batteries which work quite well.

    The type that latch onto your existing laptop display are really not great. They put a huge amount of extra force on the hinge where tons of sensitive ribbon cables live and you are severely limited in viewing angle. Not to mention you can’t move the monitor around in a tight work space or disconnect it easily to hit the field.

    A standalone portable monitor is the best solution IMO. The nicer models come with adjustable stands, protective travel cases, and USB-C DP pass through functionality.

  • I recall plans being unveiled for $40k in student loan relief around this time 4 years ago as well. That didn’t happen, the concession is blocked by court order, and now I’m being told to vOtE again just one more time.

    Just like how vOtInG was supposed to codify Roe v Wade, bring in police reform, correct the trillions of dollars handed out on PPP fraud, bring us Medicare for all… damn you know what I’ve been being told to vOtE these problems away for decades now.

    Why don’t Dems push policy through during one of the many majorities they’ve enjoyed in the last 60 years?

  • My favorite part about the liberals coming in here to muster a defense is how their only argument is “but Trump would be worse,” conveniently saying nothing about how they are literally advocating for genocide.

    “But she called for ceasefire,” they cry, while simultaneously sending their daily billion dollars of bombs and ammo.

    Also omitting how the DNC is clearly complicit with the GOP and will objectively not make things better, just worse at a slower pace. As shown by the last 50 years.

    Their responses will get increasingly absurd and nonsensical the further this goes on. Behavior paralleling Israeli Zionists.

    Oh look, it happened again, liberals aligned with fascists. Really weird how that just keeps happening over and over and over and over and over and over.

    Who are the ones that want fascism again?

  • You think you’re pissed off now, wait til you find out those slackers are making more money than you and will be promoted ahead of you because, well you do such good work, how would they ever find a good replacement?

    This following sentences are something that took me years to fully internalize, thankfully it didn’t take more.

    Nobody on their deathbed ever said “I wish I worked more unpaid overtime”. Nobody grieving at a funeral ever said “I wish I spent more time at work instead of with them”.

    And nobody at your company ever said “I wish I paid you more”.

  • McDonalds in developed nations such as East Asia or Western Europe will generally taste much better for the same relative cost.

    This is because the US has much, much weaker food regulations than other developed countries and allows all kinds of additives, treatments, and substitutions that are straight up banned in other nations.

    This is why Americans tend to rave about the food whenever they travel internationally. Like, no sweetie, your country just allows businesses to feed you carcinogenic slop for luxury prices.

    1. The USPS is objectively profitable
    2. The reason they posted a loss is because a 2006 bill mandates the USPS to fully fund all employee pensions 75 years in advance. There are full retirement accounts sitting around for employees that aren’t even born yet.
    3. Even then, reliable postal service to all addresses in the country is a basic expectation of the government of the most powerful and wealthy nation in the history of human civilization.

    The fact that you start with the premise that the USPS should somehow make profit off being a public service is a self report that you are here in bad faith.

    Why are you spreading right wing propaganda?

  • Yes.

    It’s incredibly obvious and transparent how much of a US backed propaganda push this is.

    You see, the thing about lies is that they have no choice but to shrink away when faced with the light of truth.

    And boy, are the West fucking lying.

    For anyone thinking that can’t possibly be true, consider why the Wests propaganda apparatuses are all trying to convince you of these lies with zero evidence. Even worse, completely false evidence.

    Think about why both major political parties are in lockstep on this, 0 dissent.

    Isn’t it weird how everything the US accuses China of, they are literally doing to its own citizens today?

    Remember the little girl the CIA put on the stand super duper pinky promising there were WMDs in Iraq?

  • Having engineering controls like those balls is generally a good idea and promotes safety.

    Unfortunately having a safety indicator be completely unpredictable in appearance (like art) at every different airport, or even every gate at the same airport, not as good of an idea.

    But the real answer is that installing art costs more than $0 and 0 seconds, so nobody making the decisions cares.

  • SoJB@lemmy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhat would you do with a bitcoin windfall?
    2 months ago

    I will never, never get tired of these CHUDdy types self-reporting every time.

    “It has never been shady,” commenting on a post about one of the largest scams of all time lmfao

    Oh yes, it’s just as good as money, it’s a real currency and totally not vapor as long as you act as your own bank and maintain ironclad digital and physical security, never slipping up a single time. Oh and your savings (because this is a currency) are completely uninsured. Totally reasonable asks to make of an average consumer.

  • I sent 4-8 tailored applications every weekend for over 6 months to find my current role. Background is an accredited Bachelors in Engineering with several years experience for context.

    It’s a marathon, not a sprint - 2 real leads in 5 apps is incredible.

    What you’re asking is how to internalize the reality of living under late stage capitalism. There is no easy answer to be provided here.

    Personally, already being in a shit role helped motivate me to keep building my resume, taking on even more projects, and keep hunting.

    It makes it even funnier when they see this dedicated incredible profitable hard worker turn in their two weeks out of the blue. Last time I did it, two warehouses had to close because the replacement was not up to par and they lost the account lmfao.