Yo ho yo ho
Yo ho yo ho
Yes! Hulu originally was 100% free because it had ads. The it became a monthly sub but never removed the ads. Then it split into what it is today with an ad option and an ad free option.
I’m only here because I got a perm ban from Reddit for insighting violence by saying that democrats would have to protest but should be ready to fight physically. I was a member for 10 years. How that all went down is a mod wanted me for “we don’t insight violence here” and I said “I didn’t, I’m stating an observation” and then i got banned lol. Fuck that website if you can’t have opinions. It’s not like I made a website called " attack them bitches" with a sign up sheet.
I have a 3060 12gb. It’s still good. My next card will be AMD though I think. GeForce experience is killing me
Indent see any point in buying this unless you’re aCG artist for movies or you have a 1070ti
You’re not the only one. I got a perma ban talking about protesting for insighting violence as well. Talk about anything political all and you’re a violent person i guess 🤷