I live an increasingly confusing double life as TeaHands the game dev, and TheGiddyStitcher, multicrafter extraordinaire!

Currently working on my first ever commercial indie game, a minimalist city builder.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • Crispy Hawaiian tofu with egg-fried rice. Normally eat it with regular rice but this is a special day and husband wanted to treat me since I’ve not been at all well these last few weeks. Bloody love egg-fried rice.

    Now absolutely stuffed and feel like I never want to eat again, although he’s already prepping our two-person Christmas dinner for tomorrow so I won’t tell him that!

  • All kinds of things really although mostly they’re on my list to learn so I’ll have them one day. Tatting might be my main one for 2024.

    (Edit: Forgot the “why”. Mostly because it’s come up twice lately here on Lemmy and I feel left out while other people are making pretty lace)

    I do wish I could learn to draw a bit better, to play the piano, and to speak multiple languages. But realistically I don’t have that kind of time so have to go with things that are quicker to pick up!

  • On our old WoW guild application form we included:

    “Please rank all of the Star Trek captains you know from best to worst”

    and then gave them a nice big empty text box to go to town in. Some answered seriously, and exhaustively. Some only knew Kirk, or didn’t know any at all. Some chose to go off on a rant about Star Wars being better, or include a joke or tell an anecdote about their relationship to scifi.

    Whatever the answer we always learned something about the person and that was a good jumping off point if they got accepted. We did get the occasional humourless “wtf this is stupid” type response but, shockingly, this was rarely the only reason we had for denying such applications.