• 17 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2020


  • Countless people. Well, maybe thousands. Almost nobody ever helped me back, grew beyond me. Why? Because I suffer from so much childhood trauma, stress, I never realised it until last year. Only now am I working my own machinery and getting my house in order. The friends I helped get out of rut, left me in the rut. I was always a broken machine fixing others altruistically. Fixing privacy community since the past 5 years, and what do I get? Death threats, abuse, trolling, witch hunting, ignorance… as I disregarded myself for the greater good.

    Society has taught me that Buddha was correct in saying prioritising oneself is not selfish. Society will never help you. It is the very rare handful people that do. It is infinitely worse when you are a cis man. People come crawling to help a woman or child or minority. Men must care about themselves just like other groups do.

  • I always recommend CalyxOS and LineageOS in place of Graphene, as they are sane, welcoming, and are comfortable with criticism. They also do not have a gatekeeping or censoring nature wrt community.

    Please do not twist my words

    I am not twisting, I was just being comical and absurd. Privacy and security both as concepts and as software/hardware are incompatible with the nature of intrusive governments and agencies. You cannot even travel to Japan with a pair of scissors, folding, small, does not matter. So this shutter sound crap does not make sense to justify either.

    Custom ROMs do not need to or should try to be “compliant”, but focus on protecting privacy seekers and be transparent and welcoming on developer/community end of things. Anything should focus on empowering the masses first.

  • Oni by Bungie West. Ran circles around the Tomb Raider franchise. If it did not get caught up between Bungie West selling off to Microsoft, and an IP mess between Microsoft-owned Bungie, Take-Two and Rockstar, this would have been one of the greatest titles ever. Oni community and mod scene is still alive, 20 years later.

    Oni was the basis for Halo and GTA’s open world system. And its release had to be rushed without multiplayer and a few bosses and levels. Still one of the greatest titles that can be played. Aced the third person hybrid gun-handheld combat system. There is no cyberpunk game of this level made to this date, and there are very few to begin with.