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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 1st, 2024


  • Not in your industry, but I’ve interviewef many, many…too many people who were looking for entry level positions and although I had the standard hot sheet of corp. questions, what I was looking for was how this person would fit into the team, if they were willing to learn (demonstrated or had examples), and if they had a good personality/traits.

    Do not beat yourself up if you do not get the position, I have turned down people because they were better than what I was offering and knew it would not work out if I hired them then.

    Ask where this position may lead to and what skill sets you’re expected to gain from the experience in an internship role.

    Good luck.

  • This is a good one. Maybe there isn’t a way? Maybe it’s not the right time?

    My wife and I are two people with different interests who just happen like each other and have a family together-we often comment on how if we had met any earlier in our lives we would definitely not like each other.

    For the most part of our marriage I worked alot. But we were always together when we could be.

    Currently this is the most we have been together (last 6yrs of 25) because we now work together in our own place, and the kids have grown and moved out…and we still like each other!

    Love is not a question if you like each other, and you can be two people who are together. You don’t have to have deep meaningful conversations to make a good relationship, my partner is a empathetic, thoughtful and philosophical person and I tend to go for the fart jokes.

    But we get each other. Do you guys get each other then you are together?

    Hopefully this rambling statement makes sense, from a different perspective. I’m tired and am having my first cup of coffee.