• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • We’re talking past each other at this point and I don’t really feel like repeating myself.

    It seems that way because you are insisting that a strategy which has been objectively demonstrated to work, in the very recent past, is going to backfire. Your stance is completely ahistorical and without merit. Its based on speculation and ignores the facts on the ground the very real demonstration that by withholding your vote, you can move politicians to a better, more popular political position.

    So to be clear, your disagreement isn’t with me, its with objective reality; material factual things that have happened.

    You’ve convinced yourself you are doing harm reduction by telling a people being genocided that its fine because look this party that also supports your genocide has a brown woman leading it. The fact that the Democrats are no better on Gaza hurts them in November and we can fix that. In-fact, holding back votes specifically to move the party on some issue is the only thing that has kept Democrats competitive in this race.

    The exact same argument you are making right now was being made 3 months ago regarding Joe Biden. That we needed to support Joe or else. That we needed to back Biden because Trump.

    And it was wrong. It wasn’t wisdom it was idiocy. The exact argument you are making now was the same exact argument that led to Democrats UTTERLY FUCKING FAILING in November.

    You just want to believe yourself to be on the side of what you perceive to be “right” but you have no evidence to suggest that what you are doing is actual harm reduction.

    And guess what? The uncommited movement is being led by Muslim-Americans, so this point:

    I’d bet decent money you’re not a Muslim-American, that could be banned from visiting their family in a foreign country, or a Mexican-American that might be at risk of being deported/their family being deported, etc.

    Is just complete bullshit. If you are voting blindly for Democrats, you ARE the fucking problem because you are enabling them to have these shitty stances which cause real material harm, AND you are decreasing their chances of success in November.

  • I mean the basic idea here is to make it obvious what the candidate is leaving on the table. Its setting up a basic quid-pro-quo. If she wins without the movement well its not like she was listening anyways, so nothing gained nothing lost. If she loses, its gonna be pretty fucking obvious that she could have won by listening.

    The issue is that by allowing the candidate to continue down a deeply unpopular path, you are setting up the worst case scenario. We have an exact historical analog with Joe Biden no less than 2 months ago. There is this brain parasite that got into leftist communities around strategic voting which is just factually and functionally wrong a couple years ago, and its done real fucking damage. Supporting the lessor of two evils actually makes the lessor evil less likely to succeed.

    By allowing the candidate with a policy position that 80% of the US voters disapprove of, we’re doing her a disservice and decreasing her chances of success.

  • The movement seems to be messaging, “do the right thing on this issue or else we won’t vote for you.” But, she’s basically “calling the bluff”.

    First step first in bluffing: Don’t. Whats great about that strategy, is that when/ if they call your “bluff”, you now have the opportunity to go all in.

    So what does all in look like? I’ve been wondering and thinking about this.

    Here is what I propose:

    Some kind of simple website maybe similar to an act-blue thing. Effectively it is a map with some numbers and the text “Arms embargo now!”

    The premise: you go to this website and sign up (maybe via act-blue so they know we’re not faking it.) By signing up, you are effectively you are making a commitement to withhold your vote in November if the Harris/ Biden administration/ Harris campaign does not commit to an arms embargo. The count of voters who have committed to with-holding their vote is displayed on each state. These numbers are compared to the “tipping numbers” from 2020. Keep in mind that its was counts of votes in the ranges of 10’s of thousands that determined the 2020 election. Every day, a digest of this is sent as a press release to a bunch of left/ progressive/ mainstream media outlets.

    Effectively, you put it out there that our votes are on the line, and she can do a thing, and it releases the donations to the Harris campaign.

  • How? You just jerk us off like every other Democrat in the pass and lie to us about shit you are going to do.

    Just say you are considering all options.

    Give a Gazan Democratic elected official 5 minutes to speak at the DNC.

    Hint at things like how Reagan and other presidents have withheld aid or arms for violating US and international law, but just lip services. Make no real commitment.

    Just wag the fucking dog and stop leaving money I. the table.

    That’s how fucking easy. You just fucking lie and it’s easy.

    The fact is, Reagan and Bush sr were both stricter on Israel than Kamala or Harris. So lean into that. We’ve withheld arms and aid from them before for this exact kind of shit.