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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 13th, 2024


  • I don’t know how I can make the sarcasm any more obvious.

    This strategy lost Obama the house and senate, same with Biden in 2022. Turns out triangulation doesn’t work. It just demotivates your base while your “moderate republicans” vote for fascism instead of diet-fascism.

    The democrats can produce a river of foreign blood. Republicans will still win the right by promising to double it, and everyone who is horrified by the democrats actions will vote in lower numbers.

  • I know a lot of loony leftists are saying things like “this is a violation of international law”, and “Why are you passing Republican policies, do you want Trump to win”, but they don’t understand: if you triangulate yourself to be one iota to the left of Trump, every center-right moderate republican will vote democrat. And everyone left of them has to vote democrat anyway, so you’ll win an overwhelming majority, Just like what happened in 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2022!

  • That’s the joke.

    There’s a total of about 10 never-trump-republicans, and all of them have jobs at NYT, CNN, or MSNBC telling their audience that all the bad things Biden does are electorally smart because there’s a bunch of moderate republican swing voters who will choose diet-fascism over the real thing.

    This is the same tack they took in 2016, from Chuck Schumer going “For every blue-collar Democrat we lose in western Pennsylvania, we will pick up two moderate Republicans in the suburbs in Philadelphia, and you can repeat that in Ohio and Illinois and Wisconsin” to every pundit saying “suberban women are going to decide this election” and using that to explain why generally unpopular policies are electorally smart.

  • There was a similar use in the 17 and 1800s when conservatives were the upper nobility and liberals were the lower nobility and capitalists (this caused problems when the liberals, who used the working class to carry out their revolution, then turned on the working class when their own aims were achieved, since at that point, the interests of the lower nobility+capitalist classes diverged with the working class, which typically left the liberals unable to defend themselves from the forces of reaction. This happened at least 5 different times.).

    Today though, conservatives are still liberal.