• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Thanks for sharing this. I took the time to read through the documentation of the re module. Here’s my review of the functions.


    • re.finditer returns an iterator over all Match objects
    • re.search returns the first Match object or None if there are no matches.
    • r'' use raw strings for patters so you don’t have to worry about backslashes
    • the optional flags argument modifies the behaviour (case insensitive, multiline)


    • re.sub replace each match in the string
    • re.split split a string by a regular expression

    The Match object:

    • match.groups(0) returns the portion of text matched by the pattern
    • match.groups(1) returns the first capturing group
    • match.groups(2) returns the second capturing group, and so on

    I don’t understand why these exist:

    • re.match like search, but only matches at the beginning of the string. why not just use ‘^’ or ‘\A’ in the pattern you pass to ‘search’?
    • re.fullmatch like ‘search’, but only if the full string matches. Why not just use ‘\A’ and ‘\Z’ in the pattern you pass to ‘search’?
    • re.findall Returns all matches. It seems like a shitty version of ‘finditer’. The function has three different return types which depend on the pattern you pattern you pass to the function. Who wants to work with that?

  • As a man: Prepare to be rejected over and over, to feel disposible and useless, unwanted and nobody likes you and you will never be as good as other men and you might as well end it now.

    As a woman: Prepare to meet men who have the biggest mommy issues, to be called an entitled bitch and everybody who likes you will promptly abandon you once they figure out who you really are.

    These apps prey on your worst anxieties about yourself, and then sell you the remedy: An outrageously expensive subscription to skip past the chaff and find your true life mate. Except, then you’d leave the platform, and you’d stop paying up. Match group is busy gobbling up every dating app they can get their hands on and they will stop at nothing to turn them all into the same steaming pile of shit.