Rich man is able to pay for better service than municipal services, more news at eight.
Rich man is able to pay for better service than municipal services, more news at eight.
Hooray, we are back to killing people for economic reasons!
I’d rather have him redistribute his fortunes to the relatives of victims. Making prisoners pay for their stay feels reaaaaally icky to me.
It was necessary, because he was not going to see punishment otherwise.
In a just society, he’d be in jail forever. Once again, Fuck the Capital Punishment, even in extreme Cases.
Fuck capital punishment.
I mean it was murder. Premeditated, planned etc.
But he murdered the right person :)
You compare a flawed democracy to a non-democracy. Imagine moving the poorer half of America to one state, giving that state a single elector and letting them only vote if the vote so far has been perfectly split.
The US is on paper a flawed democracy and in reality an even more flawed democracy. The roman democracy did not even exist on paper.
Maybe its not that deep, i just don’t like when people call Rome a democracy, when it did really come close to one. Or compare them to modern systems of government.
Haha, good one. Neither were democracies in the modern sense, in both cases voting right were so restrictive that large parts of the population did not matter.
Imagine a first past the post system but instead of states, you are grouped together by income.
And instead of voting simulaneously, the richest blocks votes first.
And now imagine, that 50% of the american populace gets one of 150 electors.
The vast majority of romans IN ROME never got to vote on any of the important positions.
Really? Reddit? Above 4chan, FoxNews, Andrew Taint, Elon Musk and Twitter, Facebook, Tiktok and Instagram? Reddit???
Dont like that site either but this is absurd.