Interesting, that they’ll buy back energy at a fraction of the cost they’re charging for energy
Interesting, that they’ll buy back energy at a fraction of the cost they’re charging for energy
Premium user since Red launched.
Mobile defaults to 320p no matter what I do. I have to manually select 1080p each and every video
I think right now it is a throwdown between:
Pine64 calls them pinebuds, so I think they’re good for now.
I think it’s mostly a matter of having it preinstalled.
The perception is that if it’s pre installed, then it is designed for the device.
The headphone jack quite literally uses power to produce sound.
Interested in this configuration also
Same page as you. I found Obsidian but deferred to Logseq instead for two reasons:
But seeing this post reaffirms I should find an alternative. They want collaborative features, etc. That roadmap is very different from what I was wanting out of a “second brain”.
I have already been considering switching back to Obsidian and pairing it with Quartz for publishing.
AnyType seemed close as well, but it has a ton of features I wouldn’t use and it’s not clear to me how I could generate a website from it.
They’re adding a database to back it?
That’s off putting, I liked its simplicity, and it’s being open source.
Significantly better thank you!
I don’t miss anything really. All of my software already worked.
For that reason I see why companies maintain private mirrors. Heck I want one myself in case any more get lost or removed.
It happens on Youtube Music on the web also.
I don’t sign in on my work computer because last time I paid for food my Google account hijacked my chrome browser.
So now I simply can’t listen to whole albums because some songs are age restricted
I prefer Gnome on laptops. It had the best setup for laptops.
I prefer Plasma on desktop. It has better support for modern gaming features.
Please don’t “trap” me and force my attention on to you.
I literally cannot subvert my attention from what I am focused on. Please just say my name and wait a moment for me to context switch myself.
Forcing the attention takes away from what I want to focus on and what you want me to focus on (usually you).