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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 25th, 2023


  • You will probably have waaaay more issues trying to get the windows client working through wine than dealing with any hiccups on the Linux client. It was buggy but passable like 5-6 years ago so I’m sure it’s much better now

    You can try running it through a VM first before making the switch - 3d performance will be horrendously bad, but at least it will give you some piece of mind.

  • If unity gives a different download for each, you would have the best luck with whatever version matches closest (so the 22.04 download on current pop_os). Basically the more system dependencies the program has the more likely you will run into conflicts installing on a mismatched OS, but it isn’t guaranteed to cause problems (e.g. program requires openSSL version 1.2, but my OS ships with 1.1). I think unity just bundles everything with the binary, so it should be fine.

    For what it’s worth, i used it on Ubuntu back when it was still in beta and it was super buggy (the installer and account stuff mostly, the engine itself seemed ok), so hopefully their Linux offering has since improved.

  • It’s unavoidable - once the cheese gets hot enough the steam will either force the liquid cheese out of existing holes, or it will make its own holes.

    Make sure they are fresh out of the freezer when you put them in, as this lets the outside crisp up more before the inside becomes lava. Once you get close to the prescribed cooking time, you need to just sit in front of the oven door and watch them, and as soon as 2-3 break open, take the whole tray out

  • There are like 10,000 different solutions, but I would just recommend using what’s built in to python

    If you have multiple versions installed you should be able to call python3.12 to use 3.12, etc

    Best practice is to use a different virtual environment for every project, which is basically a copy of an existing installed python version with its own packages folder. Calling pip with the system python installs it for the entire OS. Calling it with sudo puts the packages in a separate package directory reserved for the operating system and can create conflicts and break stuff (as far as I remember, this could have changed in recent versions)

    Make a virtual environment with python3.13 -m venv venv the 2nd one is the directory name. Instead of calling the system python, call the executable at venv/bin/python3

    If you do source venv/bin/activate it will temporarily replace all your bash commands to point to the executables in your venv instead of the system python install (for pip, etc). deactivate to revert. IDEs should detect the virtual environment in your project folder and automatically activate it

  • The feature is explicit sync, which is a brand new graphics stack API that would fix some issues with nvidia rendering under Wayland.

    It’s not a big deal, canonical basically said ‘this isn’t a bug fix or security patch, it’s not getting backported into our LTS release’ - so if you want it you have to install GNOME/mutter from source, switch operating systems, or just wait a few months for the next Ubuntu release

  • Reddit has way more data than you would have been exposed to via the API though - they can look at things like user ARN (is it coming from a datacenter), whether they were using a VPN, they track things like scroll position, cursor movements, read time before posting a comment, how long it takes to type that comment, etc.

    no one at reddit is going to hunt these sophisticated bots because they inflate numbers

    You are conflating “don’t care about bots” with “don’t care about showing bot generated content to users”. If the latter increases activity and engagement there is no reason to put a stop to it, however, when it comes to building predictive models, A/B testing, and other internal decisions they have a vested financial interest in making sure they are focusing on organic users - how humans interact with humans and/or bots is meaningful data, how bots interact with other bots is not

  • To compare every comment on reddit to every other comment in reddit’s entire history would require an index

    You think in Reddit’s 20 year history no one has thought of indexing comments for data science workloads? A cursory glance at their engineering blog indicates they perform much more computationally demanding tasks on comment data already for purposes of content filtering

    you need to duplicate all of that data in a separate database and keep it in sync with your main database without affecting performance too much

    Analytics workflows are never run on the production database, always on read replicas which are taken asynchronously and built from the transaction logs so as not to affect production database read/write performance

    Programmers just do what they’re told. If the managers don’t care about something, the programmers won’t work on it.

    Reddit’s entire monetization strategy is collecting user data and selling it to advertisers - It’s incredibly naive to think that they don’t have a vested interest in identifying organic engagement