The paradox of the n-word pass is similar to the paradox of the daoist leader; if you were of good enough character (as an outsider/Bourgeoisie) to warrant the privilege of leadership/cookout, then you’d be wise enough to never want to use them.
The paradox of the n-word pass is similar to the paradox of the daoist leader; if you were of good enough character (as an outsider/Bourgeoisie) to warrant the privilege of leadership/cookout, then you’d be wise enough to never want to use them.
Technically, floating point also imitates irrational and whole numbers as well. Not all numbers though, you’d need a more uhm… elaborate structure to represent complex numbers, surreal numbers, vectors, matrices, and so on.
In all seriousness, visit your local library and ask them about it. Most library systems work with local authors to promote their work and regularly hold meetups and workshops for writers. Many cities have local zines, publishers, and anthologies. By getting to know your local writing scene, you can find opportunities to do readings of your work, have works published in collections, and so on.
I’ve even seen a moderator on Lemmy describe “freedom of speech” as nothing more than a right wing wolf whistle and banning someone.
A minor point (but maybe English is a second language): what right wingers do is “dog whistle,” as in a sound so high-pitched only dogs can hear it. A “wolf whistle” is, funny enough, a kind of non-verbal cat-call. That is, it’s a sound expressing interest or approval, specifically its the hi-lo whistle like Phwooooot- WOOooooo.