Why is it neutral evil to have a monitor without a face?
Why is it neutral evil to have a monitor without a face?
See a sharp rise? Was that an intentional C# reference?
He has retrospectively redacted his own name from my view, impressive!
But I have no money and lemons are expensive! If only there was a way we could acquire lemons without paying for them… Anyone know where I could find a lemon tree?
Are the 300 deaths and 21800 fires not enough? People absolutely do burn themselves to death with space heaters. Source: https://www.cpsc.gov/Newsroom/News-Releases/2002/CPSC-Offers-Tips-to-Prevent-Home-Fires-Caused-by-Space-Heaters-Devices-Associated-with-21800-Fires-and-300-Deaths-Annually
But you are saying something - the subtext could be “and we can’t change it”. It’s a way of acknowledging the situation without wanting to waste further time on it.
No, the name is in the comic - Mart Virkus. I like his stuff. https://arcaderage.co/