That picture of the baby girl from Motaz’s IG.

Lemmy sucks

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 30th, 2023


  • I detect a hint of panic and feel like you’re overcooking this.

    Rhyme: she’s establishing a pattern along which you can spend time together.

    Reason: you helped her out with Linux and she reciprocated with some friend time. That is mutually valuable whether you realize it or not.

    Next time you’re hanging out go get burgers or something. Don’t treat human relationships like computer systems, they don’t work the same and the sooner you figure this out the better all your relationships romantic or otherwise will be.

  • The only person who ever cut me off to brake check me after I signaled a merge drove an F-250 dually with a Dallas Cowboys (I laugh just thinking about it) tow hitch and a fake butch name so he could sound tough in the parking lot where nobody knew what it said his name was on the registration.

    I offered to fix the damage out of pocket but he wanted to feel powerful for once in his life, and so he called my insurance because one of the arms on his tow hitch got bent as it shattered the grill of my civic.

    We had been driving in toward downtown LA in morning rush hour traffic and the dude thought it was appropriate to race into my signal, force me off the merge that I had already started so that he could keep me from being in front of him in the right lane.

    I have plenty more I could say about this guy but it’s a waste to say anything more than the fact that he probably got a little dick.