They’re already here, so much Nazi apologia has appeared all of a sudden.
They’re already here, so much Nazi apologia has appeared all of a sudden.
Nazis had to start somewhere too, they didn’t come out the gate with mass murder, it was called “The Final Solution” because their other “Solutions” failed (deportation, segregation, ghettos, work camps, etc.) The Nazis were once just a fringe group that nobody took seriously, and here you are trying to say that two open Nazi salutes isn’t that big a deal. Your red arm band is showing.
Nothing wrong with defending your team, that’s something us leftists are guilty of that we try to dunk on eachother more than organize and cooperate like our theory keeps telling us. Even if it takes a bit of scumbaggery, we’re stuck between the fear of maybe getting it wrong and not doing anything. I think the latter is worse.
I left reddit because I was banned for saying “People can vote.” I find more nuanced discussions and less censorship here, it’s just that in a free non-corporate space conservatism is just an unpopular ideology when one of their leaders does a Nazi salute at the conservative winning presidential inauguration. But go ahead, put on your boots and uniform and maybe your Father will give you a medal for owning the libs.
What’s your point?
Your comparing people who want trans rights and universal healthcare to people who want to shoot pregnant women in the back of the head and load their children into ovens and gas chambers.
It’s the definitian of the Hobbesean “right”, that human nature is monstrous, beastly and war-like, and that we need to rely on a “better few” to monopolize violence to keep everyone in order. They don’t believe that people are capable of self-governance because they don’t do it themselves. The Rousseau “left” believe that we’re egalitarian by nature, and that we’re innately good in small populations but have naturally strayed from our egalitarian origins because of civilization. Anarchists understand that both of these are incorrect.
Not the lefitsts fault that Nazis suck.
Also seen plenty centrist democrats blame protest voters as if that had more of an effect than the democrats bending over for republicans.