Time for no taxation without representation. Since our representatives represent their corporate donors and not the people I think we should void all contracts with the feds and tell them to get fucked.
Time for no taxation without representation. Since our representatives represent their corporate donors and not the people I think we should void all contracts with the feds and tell them to get fucked.
Why not vermont!!! Come on!!! Maple syrup confederacy let’s fucking gooooo!!! We could rule the worlds maple syrup supply!!!
Same. I hope to be pleasantly surprised.
If trump manages to end the genocide I will be gloating to all of my liberal friends about their lesser evil bullshit. I can’t fucking wait. I can’t stand trump but I had a feeling his anti war stance in general is maybe the only genuine thing about him as he’s been fairly consistent on that throughout his fame well before entering politics.
Short of glassing the Middle East I can’t imagine trump would be worse than biden. The bar would have to be in the deepest depths of Dante’s inferno of hell.
Hell yeah! I’ve been a credit union member only since 2008 when not a single banker went to jail.
Close your account and join a credit union. Assuming you’re in the US join a credit union that’s part of the coop network and you can bank anywhere in the country that’s part of the network.
Well well well how convenient!
The revolution will not be televised nor discussed in appropriate forums but will instead be memed!
Btw I got banned from world by stating the fact that joe Lieberman (former US democratic senator from CT) single-handedly killed the single payer option that was originally part of obamacare because he was bribed (excuse me, political donations that are legal because corporations are people and that’s their free speech 🙄) to do so since most of the insurance companies at the time were based in his state. Linked to substantial evidence (his own fucking words!). Got banned. Libs fucking hate it when you call them out on their liberal bullshit.
Thanks friend
Just ban Linux as a keyword? It’s easy to do on the voyager app.
Not to go too deep into politics but I’ve been banned from every social media platform (including Reddit!) for being vehemently anti fascist and anti capitalist.
I have some uh… opinions… about how to initiate change and they don’t involve peaceful marching with signs in circles and going home. Because we’ve done that for decades now and things are only getting worse and the capitalists are only solidifying their power especially with how fast technology is moving. We’re running out of time to overthrow these bastards before they make it impossible…
But anyways, those opinions aren’t allowed anywhere else and barely tolerated here (got banned from world after expressing my thoughts about Luigi). Too subversive and threatening I guess.
Being an anarchist is tough, it feels like online everyone hates you and accuses you of playing for the other team at least in American politics. As an anarchist I hate both teams who have the same fucking owners.
Why the fuck is there a dress code at a chess game? Other than you know, wear non offensive clothing?
I no longer work in the trades other than occasional side work because I hurt my hand/wrist/arm but I miss it :( I’ve done some really cool really fucking insane shit for work that I never in a million years thought I’d do.
I’ve done office work too but not as cool. Not even close.
Totally agree with all your points.
As someone who worked in the trades I’d love it if we had a trades community here
Trump was never found guilty of insurrection because the biden admin slow walked the case, and then he won the presidency, ending it for good.
It says nothing about being a felon 🤷🏻♀️
Also learn to not shit on the second amendment:
Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary - Karl Marx
They’re never retiring. They’ll prop up their dead corpses to hold onto power.
Problem is I expect the same if the dems won instead. More new wars under biden, why would one expect any different under Harris?